S2 Chapter 12 : Real life

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The wind breeze soundly , cutting nicely through Chenle's hair. It's been weeks that Jaemin gone hiatus. He even send resting letters to the company. Chenle glance at Jisung who is also looking at him. They knew why Jaemin gone hiatus .

"Okay cut ! Perfect !"
The director give out a big thumbs up to Jeno after he successfully shot his part. Jeno smiles and bow to the director before he jog to his members.

"God, I'm sweaty."

Mark pat Jeno's head, congratulate little guy for his hardwork

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Mark pat Jeno's head, congratulate little guy for his hardwork.

"You are really in the next level, even the famous Ferragamo inviting you for their fashion show! If Jaemin is here, he will be super proud ! "

Jeno stu
ck to stare his water bottle after Mark mentioning Jaemin. His will to drink is gone so he just close the lid back before he sit on the corner.

After THAT incident, Jaemin was nowhere to be seen, he even pack up all of his belonging quietly, and move away.

He cant even concentrate about Karina, his girlfriend after his one and only bestfriend left him.

"Hey, your girl keep calling your phone. Should I pick it up?"

Jeno just keep staring at the screen phone before he shut his phone off. Jisung took the phone and put it back at the table before he walk to Chenle.

 Jisung took the phone and put it back at the table before he walk to Chenle

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He keep sighing.

"Should we tell him that we know where Jaemin is?"

Jisung glance at Chenle for a while before he gaze at faraway Jeno who look so dumb.

"But we promise.."

"Let them settle by themselves."

Chenle bring out his phone to write address. Jisung bit his lips, doubting if they are doing the right thing.


It's been 3 weeks since Jaemin gone hiatus. He went back to his parents but as usual, his parents was nowhere to be seen.

They make debts and left him to pay it. Jaemin sigh

Even though he pay the debts when the debt collectorbter came, he will also get punches, he doesn't even know the reason.


Jaemin hold his brows, before he rubs it


The debt collector just gone after they got the money. Jaemin's salary as artist does not enough to pay all the debt since he is a new artist.

Jaemin stare at the ceiling silently. He can't forget Jeno.


The younger got a little startled before he grab his Iphone.


He push the accept button before he put the phone besides his ears.


Jaemin nod.


Jaemin frowned.

"You must come to the recording session, the last time Hello future recording last session was not finished yet."

SM continued. Jaemin sigh a little before he accept the job. He need money to pay the debt at least.

Jaemin close the call before his selfie with Jeno came out as the wallpaper . He going silence . How he miss this guy a lot.

'I miss you.'


"Thankyou so much!"

Jisung and Chenle bow to the director before they went out from the recording room.

It was the Chenji's turn just now before they free to go back to the dorm.

Jeno just came , running on the stairs, before rushing into the recording room.

"Ouch !"

Jeno quickly grab the person he just bump , the alpha's eyes widen.


Jaemin was also shocked to meet Jeno there but he quickly hide his bruises and went in the recording room

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Jaemin was also shocked to meet Jeno there but he quickly hide his bruises and went in the recording room. He even push Jeno away.


He walk behind the guy before he went into the room infront of Jaemin, They are facing each other with the director on their sides.

Jaemin didnt look at him at all while Jeno keep staring at the younger.

"Thankyou so much ! "

Jeno quickly run to catch after Jaemin who already rushing to leave the place.

"Nana !"

"Let me go !"

Jaemin struggles to snap his hand from Jenos'.

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