S2 Chapter 21 : Leaked Photo 1

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Jeno move back when he got punch from Jaemin. He continue to look at Jaemin who looks really disappointed with him.

"Why the hell we must choose this path!! Jeno you stupid!"

Jaemin hit Jeno countless time but he doesnt have any strength in him anymore . Jisung and Haechan already bawling their eyes to see the drama.

Jeno , who just realized his mistakes, roughly pull Jaemin up and hug him to stop him from struggling and hitting him.

"I .. I am sorry. I am sorry. I don't know what to do. I am sorry. I am sorry. I love you.. I am sorry Nana."

Jeno just did the biggest mistakes due to stressed. He hug the struggling Jaemin as tight as he can, trying to calm Jaemin who still sobbing on his chest until they both fall on their knees.


"So what should we do?"

Mark starts their conversation when the situation looks better.

"I dont know. I am so tired from the flight and all the stuff."

Renjun said weakly and slowly lay on Mark's chest. Mark glance to Haechan who look completely fine with that so Mark just let it be.

Haechan stare at Jaemin who still snorting. Jeno pat Jaemin's belly to make him calm down.

"You look like a swollen rabbit over there."

Haechan starts his joke make the members burst laughing including Jeno. Jaemin quickly rub all his tears and sit straight to face Haechan.

"Finally you smile.." Chenle said proudly to Jaemin.

Jaemin look at Jeno for a while before he smiles to his friends.

"I am not a swollen rabbit." Jaemin confirming himself. Haechan just pout while laughing.

"So Manager Kim said you should keep it secret even from us?" Mark asked.

Jeno nods.

"That's harsh. We should know bout it." Jisung added.

"I think you guys should stay low to protect the relationship." Haechan said confidently.

"Oh try to be like Mark and Haechan ! They were like strangers on camera , its so cringe I'll puke!"

Chenle harsh words makes Haechan wrestles him and the members laugh it out. Jeno gazes at Jaemin who also laugh bout it. He feels sorry for keeping one more secret from his lover.

"Okay.. I make it low for this group sake."

Jeno agreeing with the group makes all relieved. No more drama this time. Jaemin smiles at Jeno.

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