Chapter 3 : Tantrum

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The sun already set when they get out from the practice room. It was a harsh day as usual but Jaemin was okay with it since Jeno sticks with him.

 It was a harsh day as usual but Jaemin was okay with it since Jeno sticks with him

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(Jaemin's outfit in this scene)

"Should we go get ice cream before going home?"

Jaemin glanced at Jeno who always busy with his phone. He was like that every day, he treat Jaemin poorly that Jaemin start pouting.

 He was like that every day, he treat Jaemin poorly that Jaemin start pouting

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(Jeno's outfit for this scene)

"Is the phone more important ?"

Jeno raised his eyebrow. He close his phone and quickly reach Jaemin. He give him a handsome smile shortly.

"Of course my Jaemin was more important!"

Jaemin controlled his face from smiling, instead he raised one of his eyebrow and smugging to Jeno. Jaemin pushed his hair to the back for a while before walking out from the studio.

"See you tomorrow ,"

Jaemin waveback at Chenle before he catch up with Jisung who already took out his earpod. Jaemin starts walking a bit before looking back to find Jeno.
His eyes caught Jeno right infront of him who is busy closing the door.

"Jeno, I want to borrow your hoodie, the grey one."

"I'm sorry but the hoodie were dirty so I washed it."

Jeno answered before he squat to wear his sneakers. Jaemin nodded before nearly hitting someone with his elbow . The girl avoid it cutely before bowing to Jaemin.

"Good morning, Jaemin shi ." Karina with grey hoodie and short jeans was standing infront of him. Jaemin's eyes stuck at the hoodie. Jeno stood up and a bit shock to see Karina.

 Jeno stood up and a bit shock to see Karina

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(Karina's outfit for this scene)

"Why are you wearing that..?"

Karina stare at Jaemin cutely, not understanding whatever Jaemin was blabbing about.

"I'm sorry, what are you saying?"

Jaemin frown. He look straight to Karina's eyes.

"Why the hell are you wearing my stuff!"

Karina startled to hear Jaemin's shouted voice. She started to get scared . Jeno quickly approach both of them and hold Jaemin's face.

"Nana.. stop."

Jaemin glare through Jeno's eyes , still cant process that Jeno has lying to him. Jeno smile asking for forgiveness and bowing to Karina multiple of time. Jaemin grit his teeth before he pushed away Jeno's hand.

"But..but..I thought this is Jeno's hoodie.." Karina talks slowly. Trying to clear the misunderstand.

Jaemin change his glare back to Karina before he took his bag that he threw to the floor just now. He took his deep breath .

"Dont.ever.take.whats.mine." Jaemin scolded Karina heavily before going away from both of them.

Jaemin become more mad when after he ran off, he turn to make sure Jeno chase after him, but little did he know, he was not. Jaemin sighed before crashing to members' places.

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