S2 Chapter 26 : Nomin

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"Oh here they comes."

Chenle and Mark who keep squatting finally stands up when they saw Jaemin, Jeno, Jisung and Eunha coming towards them.

"What what..?" Renjun got curious when Jeno was chasing Jaemin who walk faster than usual.

Jaemin just shake his head before he sit between Haechan and Shiro. Both of them just look at each other before they decided to stay silence.

"What did you do now, Jeno.."

Chenle push Jeno's broad chest makes the alpha back off a little. He look pissed but Jeno keep staring at Jaemin.

"What's the big deal if Jeno hugs me?"

All the members actually stunned to hear Eunha's smug confession.

"H..hug??" Dayeon half shouted.

"I didnt hug you!" Jeno claimed himself .

"You freaking bastard.." Mark stuttered his words slowly.

"Dont say bad words about him. It's okay. It's not like we are a couple or something. He is just my bestfriend."

All of them look at Jaemin who spoke bluntly. He quickly take the food from Jisung and preparing his food.

"Then.. let's eat..?" Renjun ends the fights and pull Jeno to sit besides him and they eat their food.

"Where's your food?" Renjun ask as he saw Jeno with empty hands.

"It fell down..when I saved Eunha from falling. " Jeno replied before Renjun give his food to him.

Jaemin just twirling his chopstick after he heard Jeno's explanation. He was too mad to Eunha .



Jaemin squat down to take his cold can from the vending machine. It was 10 o'clock at night and all the members usually asleep after a long trip. Jaemin lean to the wall.

It's been a day that he ignore Jeno. Not ignoring completely but he just dont have the will to talk with the alpha. He also didnt give Jeno any time to talk about last time accident.

"Huh.." Jaemin sigh.

"The cold can will be to bored to see this side of you.."

Jaemin jumped a little when there's suddenly a voice of girl echoing in the room.

"What do you want." Jaemin ask.

Eunha smile softly while leaning to the same wall as Jaemin.

"It's Nana.. right? I am sorry to ask this but do you have any feelings for my Jeno?"

Jaemin stopped his chug. He try to be as calm as he can before he chug his drinks again.

"No answer huh..so I take it as a yes. So you swing that way.. isn't it a bit disgusting and does Jeno knows about this?"

Eunha keep blabbering in her cute face and cute mumble but Jaemin just saw a bitch claiming his Jeno as hers.

Jaemin throw his empty can into the bin next to the vending machine. He remains unbothered.

"How is it my Jeno when that guy never look at you as a woman?" Jaemin smug.

He put both of his hand into his pocket and stare to Eunha on his sides.

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