Chapter 2

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I have so much paper work to do ever since our last shipment was stolen. I lost a million fucking dollars because no one can seem to do their job correctly. 

I hear my phone start buzzing and pick it up hoping their will be some good news or maybe even my shipment randomly reappeared and I hired dumbasses who got it wrong. 

"Hello this is the LA police department is this Lorenzo Rizzo?" Why the fuck would LA be calling me the twins and Marcello are here, and no way would they go all the way to LA without informing me. 

"Yes this is, now why are you calling me." I say in a harsh voice so the caller knows they are wasting my time.

"Mr. Rizzo I am calling to inform you we have your sister, Nova Rizzo in our custody right now. Sir.. we have found your sister who was reported missing 14 years ago." The officer says with a little joy in their tone. On the other hand I am frozen. How- what- It has been 14 years I have been searching for 10 years. After my parents died following a lead on Nova, I took over the search and made a promise to them, myself, and my siblings I would never stop searching. Now I am finding out my baby sister is alive and found? My Principessa shes-


"Sir are you still on the line" The officer asks

"Yes. Yes I am still here. You are positive it is her? Like 100% sure?" I don't want to get my hopes up only to find out it isn't her and they mixed something up. I would murder everyone in that station.

"Yes Mr. Rizzo we are sure. We had a DNA test done and it was a match. We are hoping you would be able to take custody of your sister. If not she will be put into foster ca-"

"Yes I will. I can be there in about 3 hours if that is okay?" I say still in shock that I am going to see my sister.

"That is perfect sir thank you. Oh wait. I'm sorry I almost forgot to inform you. The situation with Nova is slightly different... Your sister was arrested for beating up a man on the street today. He is currently in the hospital in not a great state. We just needed to let you know before you got here." The officer says. 

Holy shit. My sister..! Fuck... I feel so proud right now. "Thank you for informing me, I will get there as soon as I can." I say to the officer before hanging up. I have to tell my brothers. 

Rizzzzz(o) Family 🥵

Lorenzo: Everyone needs to meet me in the living room asap.
                                                                                                Matteo: Already heading

                                                                                               Marcello: Alright

                                                                                             Angelo:  See ya there

                                                                                            Antonio: ok.

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