I was so excited to meet my sorellina. No words could describe the feeling I had running through my veins when Lorenzo spilled the news. My baby sister my unica sorella, (Only sister) was going to be back under the same roof as me. She would be back at her seat at the table, she would be their in the mornings for breakfast as well as night for dinner. I could have cried when I heard the best news of my entire life. Of course I jumped on the opportunity to be able to go with to pick her up, I could tell some of my other brothers were jealous. But when I heard Lorenzo say she was arrested for beating up a MAN, and putting him in the HOSPITAL?!? I was astonished. I mean this means my sister knows how to throw a punch. Don't get me wrong, that bastard who made my sister need to punch him will not going to far in life past the hospital, but this just means my sorella is a badass, and I couldn't be any prouder.
When we had got to the police station, the walk to the room she was in felt like hours. Just being on the other side of the door from her caused me to almost start sweating. I was nervous to see her, its been so long and she was so young. But now she is a 16 year old girl, and I missed so much in her life. When we walked into the room my eyes went straight to her. When I saw her face I waited for her to look at me, and when she did my breath hitched. I didn't see any sign of happiness, sadness, or excitement, but that wasn't the concerning part. I saw nothing. No emotion at all. A blank face that even I could't have. It reminded so much of Lorenzo's, but hers went so much deeper. Lorenzo had to have that face in our line of work, my brothers and I have to have one as well. Ours never could compare to Lorenzo's, but Nova... She shouldn't have to have one of those. Why is my Sorellina not showing any emotion? I just want to see a speckle in those eyes, but she gave me none.
When we were at Panera I felt as though we received a bit more from her, but she still didn't give much. She didn't remember us, which I presumed would happen. She was little, and most likely didn't have pictures hanging around to keep us in her memory. So I get that she might not fully trust us yet. But seeing her cold eyes with no sign of quite literally anything, makes me want to hug her so tight and not let her go. I just wish I could do something to see at least a tiny bit of the spark she use to have when she was little.
Now, we are currently at the airport heading to the jet, which Nova didn't seem to surprised to see. She gave a slight questionable look to us with a raised eyebrow, but never said anything and dropped whatever thoughts she wanted to state with the shake of her head. When we got onto the jet Lorenzo and I sat in chairs that were next to each other, while Nova looked around before sitting across from us. She reclined the seat crossing her legs relaxing back, while she took out her phone and placed earbuds in. She clearly didn't want to make conversation with us like we were hoping to do with her. Lorenzo and I look at each other silently communicating, deciding to leave her be since she has had a hard day. After she was done typing on her phone she set it down next to her still with her earbuds in her ears. She looked at us almost skeptically, before leaning back in the reclined chair and closing her eyes.
All I want for my Sorellina is for her to be happy and safe. I want her to be content and to trust us. I know trusting us could take a minute for her, I just hope she will confide in us with whatever it is that is haunting her. I know she has ghosts, no one hides their emotions that well unless they practiced or don't feel much of anything anymore. And either of those reasons are not something I want to be true for her.
I am here sorellina, just talk to me.
AN: Short chapter!! This is a piece from Marcello's pov. I wanted to show what he saw, and he should have other longer chapters, but I just felt this was an important piece of information to have going forward.
Word Count: 761

Unraveling Secrets
General FictionNova was only 2 years old when she was kidnapped from her family. She has 5 older brothers and her biological parents are dead. What happens when her eldest brother gets a call from the police station saying his sister is alive and found? What happe...