Chapter 32

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"Oh Nova it is so good to see you!" Mary says to me.

"It has been too long Mary. And this right here is Bullet." I say while bringing Bullet in front of the door.

"He is the cutest! I know I saw him over then phone, but he is just precious! Well come in, I got some food for us." She says with a bright smile. 

Mary is the sweetest person I know. She is also the only mother figure I ever knew. She welcomed me into her family with open arms when she barely even knew me. And for that, I will always be greatful. Jax is sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone. But as I approach, I see that he is just going through his snaps from all the different girls. I swear this dude has these bitches from  different countries. 

I grab his phone from his hand and click on a girl named Bri's snap that she sent him and instantly regret my choices. "Ewww I didn't need to see her tits!" I say.

"Well maybe." He starts before grabbing his phone back, "if you didn't snatch my phone then you wouldn't have seen them and I would have." He looks back at his phone before turning them off. "Damn it, you already closed out of it. I am not replaying either." He groans.

"You are such a manwhore" I say shaking my head.

"A mans gotta live a little." 

"Yeah okay."

"Kids dinner is ready!" Mary calls to us.

"Coming mom!" Jax says while patting Bullet on the head.


"So Nova.. I haven't said anything because I didn't know if it was a sore subject. But is it true Leah and Greg weren't your real parents? That you were kidnapped" She says, the emotion showing through her voice.

"Yes. Leah and Greg turned out to not be my parents. Now that I have been living with my brothers I found out my real parents died. And yes brothers plural. Actually 5 of them! No sisters, I gotta deal with them all the time." I say rolling my eyes.

She lets out a slight laugh at my comment before a tear slips down her face.

"I am so sorry. You did not deserve to go through something like this. To be taken away from your family- oh they probably were so scared and missed you very much. They treat you well though?" She asks.

"Yes they treat me just fine. All though sometimes they can get on my nerves."

"That is a sibling thing, me and my sister use to bicker and fight over the stupidest things. I miss those moments from when we were kids. You know- I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but what the heck. When I was both of your age, my sister, Amber and I use to help each other sneak out. We figured instead of threatening to tattle on each other we could both go and do our things. Don't be going and getting any ideas though, I think your brothers would not appreciate me telling you stories about sneaking out." She says.

"You don't need to be worrying about that. You should come over for dinner sometime Mary. You could meet them all. Jax has already met most of them, but he hasn't officially been introduced to all of them, so we will definitely have to plan a day." I tell her. I do mean it. Mary is an important person in my life, and I don't have many of those. Her and Jax have always been there for me since I met them. And I think my brothers should know that they are my family and always will be no matter what. 

"That sounds great! I would love to meet your brothers! Now tell me, any boys that your talking to since school started?" She asks.

Jax snorts before speaking. "Trust me, once you meet her brothers that question will not need to be asked. Because there is no way any guy would dare like her in the "wrong" way when they are around." He says, but he has a point. They are very over the top. But if there had been  guy I liked, then they would be no issue for me. I could deal with them. 

"But they don't give you any trouble?" Mary asks her son.

"Nope I am the exception." He says like its a flex.

"They weren't exactly sure about him, but when I told them he was like my brother they softened up." I tell her. 

"Well its good to know they have your back." She says.

"Yeah, but I can handle my own." I assure her.

"I know dear. But that doesn't mean you should always have to."

And those words repeat in my head over and over again.

Word Count:: 790

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