Turns out Jax and I do not have same first class together. It is probably for the best that we don't, otherwise we would be causing a lot of mischief so early in the morning we wouldn't end up in any of our other classes. Walking down the hall looking for room 342, I hear the second bell ring signalling I am late to class.
Yippee for me! I think as I roll my eyes. About 3 minutes later I find my class, I think this goes to show how terrible Elios GPS skills are.
Standing outside the door I take a deep breathe, preparing myself to deal with the attention I am about to gain. I really don't feel like getting a suspension on my first day for beating anyone up, stares are bound to happen as the 'new girl' so I just need to deal with it.
I open the door and walk in with a blank expression on my face, the teacher stops talking and next thing you know everyone is looking at me. Great...
"Hello.. is there something I can do for you?" The teacher asks. Or I should say... Ms. Rosewood according to my schedule.
"Nope, just walking into my class." I say in response.
"Oh! You must be our new student joining us today! I am so sorry it must have slipped my mind. Would you like to introduce yourself to the class?" She asks while a huge smile on her face, which for some reason makes me want to slap her. Not that I would.
"Nope. Do you have assign seats orr?" I ask. I see a few students eyes widen at my response, although one particular girl sticks out, she is giving me one nasty glare which I am surprised I can see due to all the fake lashes piled on her face.
"Come on now, don't be shy! We don't bite, just tells us something dear." She says and I just stare at her for a moment.
"Okay. My name is Nova." I say towards the class then turn back to Ms.Rosewood. "I am sitting down now." I say before walking to the back row and sitting in the empty seat in the corner.
Ms. Rosewood clears her throat before starting to talk again. I block out what she is saying and stare out the window wishing to be anywhere but here. Although if anywhere could be a race then that would be more appreciated.
My attention is brought back to the class when the door opens. Out of curiosity, more like hope it would be Jax reading my thoughts and coming to save me, I looked at the door. It was in fact not Jax and I may have slumped more in my chair.
"Your late again Mr. Perez. Again and you will have a detention." Ms. Rosewood says. He rolls his eyes and starts walking towards the seats, as he does so I turn my attention back to the window.
"Move, that is my seat." A low voice says. I turn my head to see the boy who had just walked through the door. Getting a good look at him now I notice he looks familiar, but I can't pinpoint why. He is tall with a pretty face, but he also screams power sort of like my brothers.
"Didn't see your name on it." I say turning to face the front of the class as if it interests me.
"Hm. Debe ser nuevo." He says under his breath more to himself.
(Must be new)
"Listen, because you clearly new, I will be nice and let you off the hook for your little snarky comment cariño. So if you move now, clean slate." He says and I turn my head to look at him. He has a fake smile on his face waiting for me as if I am actually going to move.
I give him a sinner sweet smile before replying back in spanish like he previously spoke. "No se puede hacer pretty boy."
(No can do)
"Maybe if you'd arrive to class on time, well then your seat would have still been here." I give him a fake pout, but he still seems to be in shock from me speaking Spanish. Just as he was about to say something, Ms. Rosewood thankfully cut him off.
"Andrés, leave Nova alone and find a seat. You are interrupting my lesson, last warning." She says. And with a scowl he takes the seat, of course, next to me. Turns out the whole class was watching the interaction, and that girl with the glare from earlier, is still glaring at me. Although this time the glare is deeper.
I roll my eyes and turn back to the window.
When class is finally over I grab my bag and get ready to leave this class as fast as I can, already done with the day.
As I am about to leave through the door, I am put to a halt when someone steps in front of me. That someone being Andrés.
"You don't want to get on my bad side cariño." He says.
I let out a slight laugh. "No.. you.. don't want to get on my bad side pretty boy." I say. "Now get out of my fucking way, its been a long day." I say trying to side step him.
"A long day? The day just started." He says with a smirk.
"Hm, yeah well according to my next class it is nap time, so again.. move." I say pushing him enough to get around.
"Noduermas bien, nunca se sabe con la gente de esta escuela." (don't sleep too well, you never know with the people in this school.) Even though I am not facing him, I can feel the smirk on his face.
"I'm not worried." I call back with a smirk of my own, ignoring his attempted threat.
I really can't wait to sleep my way through chemistry.
Word Count: 984

Unraveling Secrets
General FictionNova was only 2 years old when she was kidnapped from her family. She has 5 older brothers and her biological parents are dead. What happens when her eldest brother gets a call from the police station saying his sister is alive and found? What happe...