Chapter 44

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No one understood my pain because I hid it so well. It stayed under the surface, hidden down deep where no one could find it. And that was the way I wanted it. Pretend through the day, let it out at night when I am alone. And it worked.

No one asked me questions.

No one asked how I was doing.

No one asked if I was okay.

No one once looked at me twice.

I made sure to be there when everyone else needed me. My problems were my problems. No one else needed to worry about them. Everyday I became more numb. My feelings drifted away, as a self protection mechanism. My body was tired of the battle to keep a smile on my face for everyone else, just to let it slip alone in my bedroom. So it settled for the middle. No smiling, and no crying. And this happened at a young age.

I'm Heartless? Okay. Those words don't hurt.

I'm a bitch? Okay. Doesn't affect me.

Day by day the current forced me further down stream, and when I felt like I wanted to go back; I couldn't. Fighting against what my own brain thought was protecting me, only caused me to drown. So I let it. I went with the current. 

And now? I am conflicted. It is like that mechanism I have had for so long is trying to disappear. And I don't know what I will do without it. It kept all my pain hidden. Something I don't want my brothers to see. But why? I normally wouldn't care, because I didn't feel it. But now I feel an ache in my chest.  Each day here, I feel like it is dragging me closer to my brothers. But I allow it to. Like I want that. Each day it is more intense, and I allow myself closer to all of them. I have only ever been close to Jax and Mary.

What if I let them in, talk to them, and they don't do the same. What if the little hope inside of me is killed? And the current never slows again...


"Someone start talking." Lorenzo says.

"Long or short version?" I ask.

"Will the short version give me the answers I need?" 

"Hopefully." I say.

"Alright lets here it." He sighs, on the opposite side of the couch. Everyone is sitting down, even the ones that already know what happened. I have no idea why Andres and Jax are here. They just kinda followed us out of the office and didn't stop when we got to the parking lot. 

"Okay so basically Valentina is a cunt-"

"You can say that again." Mar says with a laugh.

"That's old news." Teo says.

"Apparently I am not allowed anywhere near you guys? I mean come on, you couldn't have informed me of that back at the police station? We could have avoided this whole thing if you told me the princesses orders ahead of time." I say sarcastically. A couple of huffs are heard around the room, along with Jax's laugh. 

"Okay but what caused the fight?" Lorenzo asks. "I doubt a few words from her would cause you to attack."

"No she made the first swing." I say sitting back.

"What made her swing..?" Mar asks.

I look at him and then around the room.

"I may have made a comment..." I say quietly. I really don't wanna say it in front of them.

"And that was....?" Lorenzo asks.

"Okay but lets get this straight first. Her voice is really obnoxious. Like who sounds like that? And I was hangry! She interrupted me from getting food while I was hangry. Bad idea to mess with me in that state. You can ask Jax!" 

"Yeah.... Its true. Just a heads up, she is especially moody when hungry." He shudders.

"All I am hearing is excuses. What did you say?" Lorenzo says and I sigh.

"I made a comment about Antonio calling her Vanessa instead of Valentina that time she was here." I mumbled

Jax bursted out laughing while everyone looked at him confused since I was to quiet for them to here.

"What? Speak up." Lorenzo says.

"I said I made a comment about Antonio calling her Vanessa instead of Valentina that time she was here."

"You... What!?" Antonio says.

"I was HANGRY!"

"I-" He starts but nothing comes out.

Everyone just stares at me silently and I want to stab them all.

Out of nowhere everyone starts laughing including Enzo.

"Omg, you pissed her off in the worst way!" Elio says.

"Are we done with this conversation now. I am hungry." I really just wanted to go to the gym. I could have said that, but now I kinda do want a cheese-stick. 

"Yeah I guess so. But Nova, we don't fight in school. I mean she threw the first punch so its fine, but lets try to not next time? I don't wanna be going down to the school every week." He says throwing that last bit at me because of my old school record.

"Ha.Ha." I say.

"I am serious."

"Yeah I know. But to be fair I never started those either."

"Yeah it seems to be a nice track record you have going for yourself." He says with a smirk.

"Could be wore."

"Yeah I guess it could."

It is you just don't  know it yet.


Word Count: 868

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