Chapter 12

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After I took a shower to cool off, I was feeling a bit better. I sat on the shower floor not having the energy to actually do something. I lost track of time for how long I was actually in there before I managed to pull myself up. I stood looking at myself through the long mirror that ran along my double sink. All I did was stare at myself, and then I questioned why I needed a double sink in my bedroom. I had a double sink in my bathroom that belonged to just me, attached to my bedroom, while others were out there without a single sink. A sink is so necessary, and everyone deserves a sink, but here I am hogging them all. I don't know why but I got upset with myself and ended up needing to call Jax, and tell him about my predicament. That phone call went something like this:

"Is everything alright sunshine? Why are you calling me so early?"

"I have 2 sinks Jax! 2 of them!" I say on the emotionally side.

"That's....nice? ... Congratulations?" He replied confused.

"No Jax it isn't congratulations. I am hogging all the sinks." I let out a frustrated sigh while the hand I am not using the phone with lands on my thigh.

"Umm. Okay? I am not quite following.." 

"Jax! Sinks are a necessity! I have 2 of them while there are people that don't even have one. What am I even saying-"  I think I am loosing my mind

"I have no idea what you are saying.. umm. Did you take any drugs?"  He whispers the last part.

"What? No I am not on drugs right now. I just- actually I don't know I think I have finally lost it." I sigh

"Yeah I can't quite deny that one"

"What date is today?"

"It is the ..16th. Why what is up with the date."

"Nothing is wrong with the date. My period is just late, so I think it is trying to start its visit."

"LATE!?" He whisper yells. "Omg sunshine don't tell me your pregnant. I love you, but I am not ready to be an Uncle. Wait - Who is the father. Nope I am not ready to step up and be a father either. I am way to young for both roles-"

I cut him off. "Jax! I am not pregnant. Jeez. And not knowing who the father is? What does that mean?" 

He sighs like he really thought I was pregnant. "Oh nothing my little whore friend, not that I am one to judge!" I roll my eyes. "So is our little sink situation resolved?" He says with a hint of laughter.'

"If I ever hear of this again, say bye bye to 'not that I am one to judge" 

Then I hung up.

Now I am feeling better and not so crazy, and my period most definitely is paying a visit. I was getting ready to head back out my door when I heard commotion outside of it. As I open my door I am faced with not one.. but all of my brothers. I am super confused until my gaze shifts to what is behind them. The hole in the wall I forgot that I made up until now. "Oh" Is all that I manage to come out of my mouth.

"I uh- I am sorry about that. You let me know how much it is going to cost to fix and I will pay it." I tell them.

"What? No principessa I am not going to let you pay to fix it." Lorenzo says. 

"Are you okay?" Comes from Marcello as he looks down at my hands.

"Yeah no I am fine.." Why aren't they yelling at me? Aren't they going to tell me what my punishment for this is?

"Why did you punch the wall Sorellina?" Matteo asks.

"Oh um. Was just a little stressed. I am sorry it was an accident - if making a hole in the wall by accident makes sense to you-" I get cut off by Lorenzo.

"I am not mad Nova. We are just concerned." He says. 

"Where did you learn to throw a punch like that? Its clean as hell." Angelo asks.

Well I am stupid as fuck.

"Oh I uh use to box." Not a complete lie 

"Really? You said use to? Do you not anymore?" Lorenzo asks.

"Oh I use to more often a little while back, now I just do it for fun on my own. Me and a friend use to do it together." I say talking about Jax.

"You seemed really stressed in the gym, are you sure you are okay?" Matteo asks.

"Yeah I am fine. I guess I just needed to blow off some steam." I say. I feel like I am being cornered by all of them, and my stress levels are starting to spike.

"Does boxing have to do with why you lift so much?" He asks. I had a feeling this would be brought into this particular discussion we are having.

"I have been working out for years. Over time I lifted more and more. Kinda how it works... But I also pushed myself, just because I could." I say

"But that is just your warm up weight?" Marcello asks. I guess Matteo filled them in on our short conversation we had in the gym.

"Yes that is just my warm up weight. I could have lifted more easily, but I didn't feel like doing to much. But if I was going to my limit, or was wanting to push it I would have had a spotter with me."

Matteo nods his head slowly, as if he is becoming more content with my responses.

"Why did you start boxing?" Lorenzo asks.

"Never a bad skill to know. Not like the world is changing for the better, I think anyone should at least take self defense classes. But I like the nature of boxing, plus its come in handy for me a few times." I say with a slight smirk on my face.

"Fair enough" Lorenzo responds.

"Why don't we all head downstairs, and I will make some pancakes for breakfast." Matteo says clasping his hands together.

"Sweet! Can you make some with Chocolate chips!" Angelo says while practically jumping up and down. 

And supposedly I am the youngest.

Word Count: 1037


Okay So I may are may not have wrote about sinks... but to be fair it is 3:30 in the morning and I so was not planning on that. But I went with it because it is 3:30 in the morning. So um yeah lets just not question my not fully working brain rn 😅 Now I am going to sleep!

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