When I get back to the house, I don't even bother with trying to sleep.
I sit on my shower floor with the hot water pouring on me, resting my head against the cold wall.
I am going to be fighting Antonio in this next month, and he has no idea. Will he recognize me when we are standing opposite of each other in the ring? Or will he be too drugged up on adrenaline to even think about it.
He watched me fight, and saw the way I move. That could potentially help him in our fight if he realized it was me.
But as of right now I have the upper hand. If he trains here in the gym, I can watch. I can prepare myself and look out for any faults.
I wouldn't go as far as calling it cheating.. More like taking advantage of an opportunity that has been presented to me.
I never thought I would be so grateful for words that came out of Andres's mouth.
He wasn't going to tell my brothers.. at least not today. Whatever that means. His plan to get me spill all truths will not work. I would prefer he told my brothers that I am Rose, than to have everyone turn on me for things I couldn't prevent.
When I get out of the shower I stand in front of my mirror turning around to look at the scar on my back. The one I have not gotten a tattoo to cover yet. The one Greg thought to be his best work. The scar that was cut deep enough to be a permanent reminder at the age of 8. The scar that kept me from ever trying to tell anyone the truth again.
The four letter word that is stuck to my body until the day I die. The one that made me wish my last days would be sooner then they should.
The carving of the word slut in the middle of my back. The most painful one I had to endure.
And Andres thinks he is going to get me to tell the truth?
I don't need to know what my own blood with think of me after. Even if it wasn't badly, I don't need them to blame themselves like they do for when I was kidnapped. They were only children themselves.
My ribs still haven't healed. I can feel the achy pain that remains, and I know training is just prolonging the recovery. But I need to be ready. Ready for the fight with the one brother that seems to despise me.
I can hear movement outside my door, which tells me they are up for their early meeting. When they leave I plan to head out and just see whats out there. It gives me a distraction from all the news that keeps piling on one after another.
I got a dog.
I was walking around looking at all the little shops and food places. And as I was heading back because of the chance of rain, I heard a noise coming from an alleyway. And I know the drill about alleyway's, but I am trained for shit worse then boys who think they are the shit.
As I followed the noise I ended up next to a dumpster with a cute little grey pitbull that had blue eyes.
When it looked up at me my heart did a little squeeze at his adorable face.
And knowing it was going to rain, I couldn't just leave the little feller here.
So I decided I would bring it back with me, I mean the house is big enough to hold a dog for a few hours.
But after 30 minutes of playing with him I gave him a name. I named him. And I can't just give him to someone else now. I mean when I said the name he tilted his head!
Bullet has stuck by my side ever since I brought him back. So I think he claimed me as much as I claimed him.
I got his name from his speed. Even for being just a puppy he is definitely fast.
But now as I sit here with my new dog, I am wondering what is going to happen when my brothers return in this next hour.
I decide to face-time Jax and show him the best-friend that is replacing him.
"Hey sunshine." He says.
"Hey Jax. I thought you would want to meet your replacement."
His eyebrows crease when he speaks. "My replacement? What are you-" I cut him off when I move my phone to bullet who is laying on my leg chewing my shoelace. "Holy shit... you got a dog!?"
"That I did. Say hi to Bullet your new replacement." I say with a smile.
"I ain't even mad. He is adorable." He says.
"Whose adorable?" I hear a women's voice say.
"Is that Mary? Hi Mary!" I say louder.
"Oh! Hi Nova. How are you? I heard what happened, are you doing alright?"
"Yes I am doing pretty well. I actually just got a dog." I say shifting my camera to my newfound obsession.
"Oh why isn't he just the cutest. What's his name?"
"His name is bullet. He is extremely fast for a little guy."
"It suits him." She says with a smile. "You should bring him around sometime, I would love to meet him and I haven't seen you in a while."
"Sure thing Mary. It has been too long." I say. She says her farewells before heading off to finish baking.
"Do your brothers know you got a dog?" Jax asks.
"Eh nope... It is going to be a surprise... a hopefully pleasant one?"
Jax sighs shaking his head slightly. "You are asking for trouble."
"Hey. He was all alone eating next to a dumpster. You would have done the same."
"yeah... I probably would have."
Jax and I talk for around 45 minutes until I hear the front door open and Bullet's head perks up.
Knowing he is about to bolt I go to grab him, but his name proves itself to be perfect again.
"Is that a fucking dog?" Is the first thing I hear, knowing I am probably in deep shit.
"Nova!" Lorenzo yells.
Yeah I am probably in deep fucking shit.
Word Count: 1035

Unraveling Secrets
General FictionNova was only 2 years old when she was kidnapped from her family. She has 5 older brothers and her biological parents are dead. What happens when her eldest brother gets a call from the police station saying his sister is alive and found? What happe...