Chapter 36

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Sometimes I really question my own plans. Like I honestly do not need school, I make enough money to last me generations, so why am I even bothering? Like who needs an education when I can just kill people whenever I feel like I want more money.

I am doodling in my notebook, but keep erasing them. No wonder I always run out of eraser fast. I have no idea what the teacher is talking about; it is way to early in the morning for me to properly function. 

When the door opens, I look up to see Andres walking in. Late again I may add. 

"Your in my seat. Again." He scowls.

"I believe we keep having these conversations.. When you show up on time, and are here before me, you will be able to choose your seat. I don't know how much clearer I can get." I tell him.

I don't think I have ever seen a guy get so livid over a seat in a classroom. "Oh don't get your bullets in a jam." I tell him. See, I know the original saying is 'don't get your panties in a twist,' but I have always enjoyed my version better. "You see what I did there?" I say with a smirk.

"Yeah, and I am not impressed. Maybe if you give me my seat I can give you a better fake expression." He says.

"You know, thanks for the offer but I am gonna have to pa-"

"Nova and Andres! I am tired of the same thing everyday! You are interrupting my class and I will not have it anymore. Go to the office. Both of you." The teacher says.

I roll my eyes and grab my stuff before walking out the door.

"This is your fault." I say to Andres.

"My fault? How is it my fault? You are the one who wouldn't give me my seat back when that is where I always sit. You are new, and it clearly shows since you don't understand that that is myy seat." He says as we walk down the hall arguing.

"Watch yourself, I wouldn't wanna go all rose on you." I say with a glare. He stops and turns to look at me. I am really trying not to laugh at his expression.

"Hm. How about you give me my seat, or I tell your brothers the truth?" He says. But I can tell in his voice he wasn't actually going to. We already had this conversation in the park. The park. I don't know what got into me that day, my thoughts were in the wrong. 

I clear my throat and look back up at him, not realizing he has inched closer. "How about you tell my brothers, and you face my wrath?" I say with innocent blinking eyes.

I don't know how we got in this position, but my back hit a locker, and Andres was not even inches away. "That wouldn't happen." He says in a low voice.

"Hm. And why is that." I whisper back. I have no idea what the fuck is wrong with me but I can feel the twist in my lower stomach. It isn't because of him, no its just because its been awhile for me. I definitely need to get laid.

"Because you haven't pushed me away yet." He says, his face almost touching mine. I snap out of it and shove him away with a scoff. 

"First off, I was too focused on the thought of a Chipotle burrito to really notice your presence. Ooo that should definitely be my lunch today. Anyway, and second off, what does me not pushing you away have to do with me not beating the living day lights out of you? Have you told my brothers yet? No, not to my knowledge at least, therefore I don't need to attack you. Have your little five year old tantrum about the seat all you want, I don't need to fight you over it Jeez." I say. I totally made that Chipotle thing up, but now I do want a burrito.

"Where are you going!" He calls after me as I walk down the hall.

"To get Chipotle."

"But you're supposed to go to the office."

"Oh look its Mr. goody two shoes." I say rolling my eyes, which he can't see.

"I never said I was going, I said youu were supposed too." He says while jogging up to me.

"Um as I recall we were both sent to the office?" 

"Yes, but I am not related to the Rizzo brothers." He says lifting his eyebrow like he made a point.

"Okay..? And that is supposed to change my mind because...?" He looks at me like I am stupid, but really he is the stupid one. "You do realize the teacher never made a phone call to the office saying we were heading down there right? She just jumped back into her lesson." He caught on to what I was saying, and I walked out the front doors. "You can stop following me now." I say barely sparing him a glance.

"Yeah, but now I want a Chipotle burrito."

"You are not going with me." I say. Not after whatever that locker moment was. I clearly need to figure something out before that shit happens again.

"Why the fuck would I go with you? I have my own bike, and there are like 3 in the area." He says, and I roll my eyes.

"You're such a copy cat." I resort.

"Oh fuck you, what are you 5?"

"I am not the one fighting over a seat in a classroom. So don't be looking at me." I say and we went to our own bikes.

Word Count: 936

Sorry about this sucky chapter. I have had quite the interesting week.

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