Chapter 49

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"She is stalling." I tell everyone as I back away from the window.

"How long is she going to stay out there? She has been parked there for 10 minutes. She has got 2 more and then I am going out there." Elio says.

"She will come in." Lorenzo says. 

"Oh thanks for stating the obvious brother." Marcello scoffs. "We all know that, it is just a matter of when."

"I thought the car ride would have given her time, maybe she just needs a few more minutes?" Matteo says worriedly. 

"I can go out." Andres says.

"Why would you go out." I ask skeptically. Why would my best-friend go out to get my sister. She knows him less then us, and why would he even want to? That makes no sense. He doesn't say anything and just shrugs.

"Wait shh! I see movement." Elio says. 



"Get out of the car sunshine." Jax says.

"Can you just give me a minute to admire this... tree. I mean look at it, how have I not noticed the.. branches on it before. Like the shape is just soo-" What the fuck am I saying.

"Well I can promise you this tree will be here tomorrow, or any other day for that matter, so you can 'admire' it during any of those times. There is a very interesting conversation waiting for me inside to listen to and observe while I eat your popcorn, so lets go." He says jumping out of the car.

"But what if I am dead before tomorrow!" He opens my car door. "No but Jax I could get killed! You know what this life is like- no no no no.." Jax quite literally dragged me out of the car, but to be fair I could have stopped him. 

"Come on they are waiting." He says.

"I know. I saw them through the window. They weren't very discrete."

"So you knew they knew we were here and you still stayed in the car?"

"Yeah. You got a problem with that? Well actually I don't wanna hear about it if you do, the door is right there." I say.

"Yeah... that's the door. You gonna go through it?" 

"Yeah- actually I forgot something in the ca-" I was cut off by the door opening from the inside. There stool my brothers and Andres.

"I thought I heard commotion out here! I told you guys!" Elio says trying to play dumb.

I raise my eyebrow at him before speaking. "I saw you guys watching through the window."

"How!? Barely even an eyeball was showing!" Elio says. And something about those words are funny. 

Andres clears his throat. "You guys gonna let her in?" 

What the flip. Just what the flip. 

"I was just saying I forgot something in the car-"

"Get inside Nova." Lorenzo says irately.  

I drop any and all expressions on my face, because I know this is going to be serious. 

We walk into the living room and everyone sits down on the couch that goes in a huge n shape. 

"Obviously we have some questions." Mar says.

"Obviously." I say with a roll of my eyes. 

"Why didn't you tell us you were an underground fighter?" Matteo asks.

"Why didn't you guys tell me?" I am answered with silence. I make eye contact with Andres as he just sits there and listens. He already knew, but they can't know that. "Hm right. You want me to answer you guys honestly, but why would I do that when you guys don't give the same treatment? You want me to trust you, to tell you things, but why would I tell you anything about my life when I get answered with either nothing or lies."

"Lies?" Lorenzo questions. "What have we been lying to you about." He asks almost knowingly.

"I don't know. Why don't you tell me?" 

"Well why would you assume we are lying then?"

"Body language, tone, the way you guys act when I am around; its almost like you are walking on eggshells around me. Lorenzo, I might not have grown up here with you guys, but I am not clueless. Trust me, I know lies, I have been lied to before." I say.

"Who lied to you?" Yeah I know where he is trying to go with that but I am not going there. 

"Many people.  And that includes you. All of you added on to the many that have lied to me."

They acted like I slapped them in the face, but all I did was tell them the truth. But I also haven't been completely honest with them.

"Okay how about this. Ask me a question and I will answer it." Lorenzo says. "One question, for one question. This is your free one. After, if you choose to answer mine honestly I will do the same. If not, you don't get an answer to what you want to know."

"So I can ask you whatever right now, and you will answer it honestly? No tricks, not loophole, just honesty to what I ask?" 

Everyone in the room is tense, even Jax, but Lorenzo is the only one to hold his cool. Something we seem to have in common. 

"Yes." Short answer, but it does the trick.

"Why do you speak several languages?" Its a question I asked on the first day I met them. He gave me a bullshit answer, but now he has to answer it honestly. Everyone in the room just got even more tense, and I swear I heard Elio gulp. I also think I heard Andres say 'ah shit.' But if he did it was very faintly.

"Didn't we go over this question before?" Lorenzo asks.

"I remember we were in the car after picking you up." Mar says.

"Didn't we also agree you had to answer it honestly this time though?" Lorenzos eyes narrow like he is trying to read me. I swear he knows that I know but he doesn't want to say it. "I told you I can tell when someone is lying." I say with a smirk.

"Work." I THOUGHT WE SAID NO LOOPHOLES. WHAT THE FUCK. Can he do that? Is that a part of the rules. What the fuck. I look at jax but he is too busy glaring at Lorenzo. Looks like he doesn't agree with the answer either. 

"What kind of work?" I ask, trying to push it. 

"That is another question. I believe it is my turn. Fucking asshole. Jax only glares harder. 

"I don't like you answer." I say.

"I never said you had to." 

"Why is he glaring?" Elio asks.

"Its a free country." Jax and I both say at the same time. I turn and glare at Lorenzo.

"Ask your question." I am so pissed right now.

"Ho-" Lorenzo doesn't get to finish because a guard comes rushing in and bends down whispering to him. Lorenzo's eyes turn black and he quickly stands pulling out his phone. 

Before he makes a call and says in Italian, "siamo sotto attacco." (We are under attack.) And that is all it takes for all hell to break loose. 

Word Count: 1164

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