Chapter 48

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"Jax I did it." 

"I know. I think everyone knows, that's why everyone is staring at you."

"Well..." I say moving my eyes to the side of my head, trying to use that as an indicator about my brothers without turning to look at them. "What are they doing??" 

"Why can't you just turn around."

"Because if I turn around they aren't going to give me any reactions." I say in a duhh tone. "I already tried that."

Jax sighs. "They are talking to each other."

"That's it?"

"Well your oldest brother has a creepy smirk on his face. Can I like not stare anymore I feel like if I look to long that smirk is going to kill me." He says turning his attention back towards me.

"You are so dramatic." I say with a scoff.

"Yeah well we can talk about whose more dramatic later... But right now lets focus on the group of 6 mafia men walking this way, yeah?" 

"What? they are coming over here?" I whisper

"Well I mean what did you expect?"

"I honestly don't know, I figured I wasn't going to worry about it until I was walking into the house." 

"Oh well consider this me shoving you through the door." He says while spinning me around.

Ah shit.

"Hey guys! Funny seeing you here.." I say with a fake laugh. 

"Yeah that's so funny because I was thinking the same thing about you!" Elio says.

"Really? You should have seen me here before. I mean I have been in the ring a few times." I say with a fake innocent voice. "Oh Antonio, good fight out there, you held your own pretty good!" I say. I think I am digging an even bigger ditch for myself.

Jax clears his throat and steps closer to me. "Hey Nova?" He whispers.

"Yeah." I say keeping my fake face on. 

"Too much." He says before backing another step back.


"How long have you been fighting?" Lorenzo asks.

"I could answer that, but I could ask you all the same question as well."

I make eye contact with Andres, and I can't make out his expression. I can't read through his eyes what he is thinking.

"Um. Can we take this back to the house instead of doing this here in front of all these people? For one I think we could all use a car ride back to think to ourselves before we talk, and for two I have never taken my mask off and lets just say I do not feel like sticking around a bunch of people now that I did." I could really use the alone time in my car.

"Fine. But right back to the house, no stopping anywhere along the way." Lorenzo says in final tone. 

"You wanna ride with me Jax?" 

"Fuck yeah. This beats any tv back at my place."

"Glad my life can entertain you."

"Sunshine, without me this entertainment would not be happening tonight."

"Yeah whatever. At least I can blame you when this whole thing goes the wrong way."

"Yeah yeah lets go. We don't want to keep the Don waiting." 

"Is that supposed to scare me? You know who I am other then Rose, right."

"Can't you just let me have my funnnn."

"You do realize that this conversation could go really far south for me?"

"Trust me, everything will be fine."

"Yeah and how come you can say that?"

"Because they love you."

Word Count: 552

A/N: I know another short chapter! But the ending just felt perfect for this one!

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