Chapter 46

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Hey guys, I'm sooooo sorry about not updating, im ashamed. Ive been babysitting, saving up for a laptop. Ive also recently gotten sick, and I need to get the house perfect for my brother I haven't seen in 8 years. He'll be here tomorrow, and I have some downtime tonight, I should be updating every story every to every other night from now on!!! Thank you soo much!!! Enjoy.
Love y'all!!
Neveah's POV
We woke up early, and Rose insisted on driving us to the airport. We all cried. Everyone. Dalton . Will. Gabe. Nova. Cole. Dana. Rose. Me. We cried. We laughed.
"Its gone by so fast. But so much has happened in just a year and a half." I said, speaking to everyone. The magcon guys came in their own cars, and were huddled around. "I traveled, I met new people. Found new people." I paused, and looked around. I teared up, "You, all of you. Will never be my friends. You are my family. And I love each and every one of you to death. Nash, Cameron, Carter, Matt, Hayes...your o.k.," I named everyone off, one by one, giving them . Until the final person.
" Rose, my sister. I probably love you the most." I whispered in her ear during her hug. Dana cleared his throat. He heard. We bust up laughing. Everyone else looked at us weird.
"Leave it to Neveah to make everything dramatic. " Rose said.
"And sad!!!!" Dalton was crying with his eyeliner smeared. I walk up, grab a makeup wipe, and clean it up real quick. In front of everyone.
"This isnt the end, we'll see eachother again real soon. I promise." Rose said. We finished our goodbyes, and loaded the plane for L.A. I sat down, and criedinto Dana's chest for who knows how long. I heard his heart beat. It calmed me down. It was literally music to my heart.
Just then I noticed his shoulders were shaking. I sat up, lifted his chin up with my hand, and kissed him. We deepened the kiss, no one else aware of the battle for dominance going on. We finally parted a good 5 minutes later, and just began talking. Random things like,
"Can we watch Batman when we get home?" Gabe asked me.
"Neveah, can I have my sonic screwdriver back when we get there?" Dalton asked.
"Ya, and my camera?" Cole blurt in.
"Do we have Nutella at home?!?"
"Guys! You are still grounded for a week! Dont complain and be quiet the rest of the trip!" Dana acted all father like and we all laughed. "But no, seriously, posting pictures of us while we are sleeping on all social media is not cool, so no Batman, nutella, sonic driver, or camera for a week!"
"Its a sonic screwdriver, get it right!" Dalton spoke up.
"Shall we make that a week, or a month?"I asked Dana.
"SHUT UP!!!" Gabe, Cole, and Will whisper shouted at Dalton.
"Thats what I thought." I felt my eyelids slowly get heavier and heavier. Dana noticed , and told me to sleep. He kissed me lightly, but passionately on the lips, and I drifted off to sleep. The last thing I thought was Rose's words.
"This isnt the end, we'll see eachother again real soon. I promise."

Its almost like, I've heard this all before, deja vu. That speech at the airport about family. Rose's promise. Like, I knew what was coming.
Maybe Rose was wrong.

Maybe this is the end.

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