Two Weeks

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Say you want me
I say you'll live without it
Unless you're the only one who instigates it
Give me two weeks
Suck me up on feeling for the shit you deal in
Quench your thirst just close your eyes and dream about me

The sun beamed down on me as I wrapped my satin shall around my upper torso to protect myself from the tortuous sand and rays. I sat on Gabriel's horse. A large black steed that was as intimidating as its owner. Gabriel led the reins of the beast as he walked onwards. We were on journey to my new home, or as I tended to believe my new hell. Gabriel had not once looked back at me, for this, I was not sure whether I was grateful or hurt. As I looked back at the borders of my city, one that took a vast hour to leave, I could not help but shed tears. I made sure to cover my face so that the band of people traveling with us could not see. All familiarity I had was being ripped away. The only since of home I had was Alexiye. A female assassin assigned by my father to watch over me through my journey to Rome. She was tall and lean, mahogany skin that seemed to gleam in the the rays of the sunlight. Every action she took was executed with finality and grace. A true fighter. It was not very common for women to hold ranking in the Persian forces, therefore Alexiye must be incredibly skilled, skilled in killing. The way she scanned the desert keenly, showed that clearly. The thought of death and loss made me break down even harder. Get it together Alaethiya I shouted inside of my head. Do not let them see you become weak. Suddenly the stallion came to a stop. Gabriel had frozen in his place. My heart stopped in that moment. The way anger rolled off his tense shoulders showed that he was not pleased. "Stop crying." Gabriel demanded. His voice void of all emotions and clipped. How dare he. He was taking me away from all that I had ever known and was now telling me to stop crying. I grabbed the shoe from my foot and chucked it at the back of his head. All forms of life had frozen in that instant with the thud of my emroided slipper against his head. The entire band of  people who had been traveling with us locked onto Gabriel watching his next move. Gabriel turned around slowly with my slipper in his hand and a dark smirk laced upon his lips. The slipper sailed through the air at ultimate speed. It collided against my brown upper arm leaving a scorched red welt. He through it back at me! Gabriel then began to mount the horse that I had been riding. He was going to murder me, this was it. I could feel the anger and frustration roll off of him like waves, all crashing down into my abyss of fear. As he sat behind me, I could feel the muscles of his warm arms reach around me to grab the reins of the stallion once again. "Since you can not seem to control yourself or you're actions, I am obligated to take it upon myself in policing you this journey." Gabriel gruffed. I could feel the heat and softness of his voice trace down my neck, wrapping around my entire body making me anxious and terrified all at once. With the jerk of the horses reins it pushed me back further into his chest. All of him encircled me in a loop of heat and muscle. They sped through the path of the desert, the band of people accompanying them close behind. As we rode on , I became fascinated by the curves of his muscles in his forearms as he tugged on the reins and how they would ripple and strain with a certain or jerk. With each bounce of the horse our bodies mingle together in a meeting that was too sensual for my liking. Gabriel was not a man that I wanted to be with and I would not forget it.

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