Waiting game

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I'm thinking it over
The way you make me feel all sexy but its causing me pain
I want to lean on your shoulder
I wish I was allowed but I don't want to cause any pain
Your love is a waiting game


I had fallen into a deep comfortable sleep. A wall of heat and muscle had become my fortress. The steady tap of the horses hooves, his controlled breathes of frustration, and his smell of dark spice mingled with sand, creating a sweet lullaby that pulled me into slumber.
I then felt rough hands grab the delicate fabric covering my thighs. I heard a horrible ripping sound and felt the tension upon my thigh. I snapped awake fear lacing me in a tight grip. I could not believe it! Gabriel would take me in this manner while I was sleeping and defenceless. I began to fight against his body trying to push his warm torso or should I say mountain. I was hoping that with my momentum I could knock him off the horse, yet when I opened my eyes I found that we resided in a make shift tent and day had turned into night.

Gabriel's rough hands pinned me to the ground effortlessly. "Stop moving you wretched little beast, I am trying to dress your wound."Gabriel yelled using one of his legs to press my knees down. I had aimed for his testicles yet missed and met a hard set of tendons in his inner thigh. I was completely restricted and rendered immobile. All I could do was send the iciest stare at Gabriel I could possibly muster. Gabriel chuckled darkly, a few strands of his hair falling into his gray eyes from our little struggle. "Believe me little one, if I wanted to take you as my own tonight, it would have been done already." He spoke matter of factly in his signature dark register. He then removed one hand from where he pinned my small arms over my head and held me still with with just one of his massive hands. I still fought against his body and struggled. Whether he was going to violate me or not, he was still touching me in an innapropriate manner and I would not become complacent to it.

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