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  Open up my eyes and
Tell me who I am
Let me in on all your secrets
No inhibition, no sin



For days I locked myself up, both emotionally and mentally. Gabriel had truly destroyed me. My soul. That young woman and her baby, their blood on my hands. I would do it all again a thousands time if it meant  that I remained queen and that my peoples lives were protected against war. Still. How long would it be before I lay in my own blood due to the fight for power. I sobbed most nights until my body shook uncontrollably. I missed the children from the daycare. I needed them now more than ever. I was afraid they, would fear me, after word most definitely spread about my actions. My only companions were my agony , Alexiye, Brenae and Alexander. The only people in the palace I trusted to be around my weakened state. They nursed me back to sanity, some times 

I must go out into the world again soon. I had not seen Gabriel since that day. I don't know how I would handle seeing him. I must face the consequences for taking one's life. Royalty were above all others, but in Rome, we were expected to answer for our actions. They could not kill me unless I committed an act of treason. They would surely torture me though. The young woman was the daughter of a influential politician in Rome. I was afraid. Truly. 

I would stand in front a trial of judges to determine my punishment. My punishment would be dealt swiftly in front the public. Rome lead by fear, meaning every torture was shared for all eyes to see.

Today was that day. Alexander came and sat by me as I looked outside the palace window. Alexander always held a warm silence. Sometimes if I were not looking at him, I would feel that I was sitting next to an old man of many years instead of a young boy. "Your are a strong girl, your highness, stronger than most men-the young children in orphanage pray to Venus for your protection."Alexander stated staring out the window in a strong whisper. "Whatever punishment you face, they will seek to degrade you, humiliate you in front of the people, portray you as weak."Alexander explained looking me straight in the eyes. "You must remain strong through this all."He stated standing up and waiting for me to get up as well. I stood, his words reassuring me. I did what I had to. 

I was escorted by guards to the Roman center.  People of all different ages and genders stood on the side and watched. At a large table sat four men who looked of wealth. They all had one emotion in common.Hatred. A foreign queen, had murdered one of their own, a pregnant woman of high status. It was clear that they wished for me to pay for all my actions. I was stunned to see Gabriel there. Standing silently in the corner his eyes trained on me. His grey orbs held so much pain and sadness. He knew my fate. No matter how guilty he felt, I was the one standing for trial. He knew it, he knew what was to happen. I could see it all in his eyes. However, as much as I hated myself for it, I felt safer looking to him. 

"Queen Alaethiya Phayeline Darius III of Persia, you here by stand trial for the murder of Augusta Velius and her unborn child." A large man stated glaring into my eyes. "What is the reasoning for your actions,Your highness?"He questioned loudly. I was prepared to not give too much trouble and accept my punishment with dignity. Yet I couldn't hold myself back. "My hand slipped."I responded smirking defiantly. They could want me dead until their faces turned body turned blue, but they could not in this case. "You mock her death and this trial!?" He questioned frustrated. I did not acknowledge his question. "Are you too afraid to speak your highness?"He chuckled smugly. I smiled slightly. "I was sure that you were not addressing me with your previous question, seeing that you forgot to acknowledge my title as queen, it is your highness to you, don't forget it."I replied staring him down. It seemed all the fire in my soul was giving me energy. The men at the table grew silent. I could see from my side Gabriel smirk slyly. "As you wish, your highness."Another man spoke, his tongue seeming to burn with the last words of his phrase. "We have consulted and found you guilty of murder with significant evidence."The man spoke slowly. "The usual punishment for your highness to serve would be the shaving of your head in the public square."He spoke folding his hands. The people in the town center began to whisper among themselves. "However, the woman you murdered was of high roman status and with child, therefore under provision, we have determined your punishment to be dealt by the whip, a lash for every summer of the young woman's life, which consists of twenty-two."The man commanded loudly. The people broke out in gasps and shouts of disapproval. My knees almost buckled beneath me and my heart dropped. 

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