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Never in my life had I felt so like a woman until Gabriel had me pinned down onto to my bed, silk sheets and wild grey eyes. Never had I been so outraged, how dare he. Never had I been so confused, arousal increased by my fear, desire synonymous to hate. Gabriel raised himself and detached the plate of armor that protected him. Next he lifted his shirt above his head all while I was pressed down on to the bed with his free hand. He was perfect, chiseled muscle earned from countless battles. I could not refrain from reaching out to him. At my touch he flinched and his body tensed, feeling the solidness and warmth of his body took me somewhere else. He leaned down to roam my body. I could feel his large calloused hands tease my breasts through the thin fabric of my dress. A small moan escaped my parted lips which caused Gabriel to freeze. His eyes met mine and I could see his emotions flash in those grey orbs that haunted and tantalized me. Then I felt tears burn from my eyes. I grabbed onto him and cried into his chest. At first he did not move at all, his body rigid as stone. But soon he pulled me closer into him. "I'm sorry."I whispered into his chest. "Shhhh, you were right to do what you did, it was disrespectful on my part."Gabriel soothed rubbing circles into my back. "It was wrong for me to marry you, you are much too young and not yet a woman."Gabriel added in attempts to console me yet only lashed my heart with insult. How dare he. I was at most only eight years younger than him. Gabriel could sense my emotions. "You are a very beautiful girl, probably the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on, yet you are just that, a girl."Gabriel lifted himself from my bed and left my chambers. That night I lay in bed and could not find tears. I only found solace in my plotting. I was going to show him he was severely mistaken.

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