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Gabriel stared at me softly. It took all of my courage to look into his silver eyes. "What, what am I supposed to do?"I questioned unsure. "I need you to stroke me."Gabriel responded roughly as if his body was wrapped in hard tension. I began to rub his biceps and chest slowly. Gabriel chuckled. If he were not so infuriating I would have thought it attractive. "Not there." Gabriel replied softly. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Give me your hand."Gabriel stated. I placed my soft hands into his calloused palm, his large fingers began to lace around my small knuckles. He led my hand down onto his man hood which twitched when my finger met it's flesh. My breath hitched. Gabriel moved my hand up and down his shaft slowly. All the heat from his body encased me in a sensual cacoon. "Yes just like that."Gabriel soothed as he moved a strand of my hair away from my face. His abs began to coil as I stroked his manhood more. "Lay down."Gabriel stated as he pushed my upper half down onto the bed. He positioned himself in between my legs. His rough hands softly caressed my thighs and then slipped underneath my gown. "Sweet girl."Gabriel inhaled as he played with my pearl. My body began to feel sensations that were unknown to me. Pleasure. Gabriel began to lower his head underneath the covers. "What are you doing?"I questioned shakily. "I am having desert."Gabriel stated mischievously as he lowered his warm tongue onto my pearl. My body shook with arousal. Gabriel swirled his tongue and sucked as if I were a fountain of pure desire. I looked down and I was met with his intense stare as he continued to devour me. His strong arms spreading my soft thighs. Gabriel lifted his body onto mine. "I have waited a very long time to have you in this way."Gabriel admitted holding my eyes in a intimate gaze. "I do not wish to hurt you, but you will feel pain, I will do my best to make this enjoyable for you."Gabriel admitted as he met my lips. Our tongues began to dance in a sweet Symphony. Gabriel placed my thighs around his waist. I could feel the tip of his shaft as he positioned himself around my entrance. Gabriel thrusted himself inside of me, a searing pain overtook my lower half. I pushed at his chest as his body stiffened."Good Gods you are so tight."Gabriel grunted. He began to enter me slowly over and over again. Each time going deeper into my core. As he continued my body began to relax around his shaft, a deep sense of pleasure overtaking my body. My hips began to rotate and meet the collision of his hips. Gabriel quickened his pace and thrusted into my body harder. The headboard of the bed began to shake with each thrust. His large body guarding my small frame as he made love to me. My moans and his hard grunts mixing together in pleasure. He lifted his upper body onto his right arm all the while never stopping his quick thrust into my body. His silver eyes looked into mine with adoration. "You are perfect."He stated as he ripped open the front of my dress to expose my breasts. He placed his lips onto my breasts and began to trace my body with his tongue as he ravaged my body. He was my beast. "I can not last much longer you are so tight."Gabriel grunted out as he reached his lage fingers down to my sex. He began to rotate his finger around my pearl as he thrusted into quicker. The sounds of his shaft colliding with my pearl and the banging of the headboard adding to my arousal. My body began to shake. A tight release of immense pleasure overtook my body and I could feel my sex tighten around Gabriel's shaft. With that Gabriel let out a rough grunt and his hot seed poured into my womb. Gabriel continued to thrust into me until I was filled with him. That is how we fell asleep, with him inside of me and my body wrapped around his. "Goodnight my queen."Gabriel stated softly as he kissed my forehead.

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