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So now we see how it is
This fist begets the spear
Weapons of war
Symptoms of madness
Don't let your eyes refuse to see
Don't let your ears refuse to hear  

-Ray Lamontagne


I felt so alone. By myself and infinitely isolated. I had another life inside of me. I had reason to feel alone. When Gabriel said he would do anything to keep me safe he meant it. I sat staring out of the small circular window at the top of the tallest tower in the palace. The cold weight of the chain held down my right ankle. It was long and silver, bolted down to the stone ground. There was enough length in the chain to allow me to roam around the large room. I cried everyday staring out of the small window from morning to night. The shiny jewels and new dresses that filled the room did not allow my heart to forgive Gabriel. He was the only human I had seen for three weeks. There was a large canopy bed tucked in the corner of the tower where I would sleep. Gabriel would sleep there as well, playing with my hair while cried into the silk pillows every night. Every night he would say that he loved me and that this was the only way, but I couldn't stop crying. Gabriel would come three times a day to offer me food. I would only eat the bare minimum and stare off into the air as he tried to talk to me. Everyday, like today, he would sit and stare at me while he ate his food. watching me with concern and sadness. When I cried he would look away and bury his face into his large hands and pull at his black locks in frustration. I could see he didn't want to hurt me. Yet all I felt was pain. Today he had brought a brown stew with fresh bread and white cake. I stared at the plate for a while and touched my stomach. I felt an immeasurable love for the life inside of me, but with everyday in the tower, resentment grew like a vile disease. With plates of food Gabriel also brought a white pearl necklace with a large red ruby in the center that dangled like a tear drop. He placed the ivory plates on the table and reached into his pocket removing the beautiful jewel. He walked to me and moved my brown curly hair to the side. He placed the pearls around my brown neck and hooked the golden latch making a clinking sound. I flinched remembering the sound of the metal as it latched around my ankle. Gabriel sighed and smoothed my hair back to its original place and kissed my temple with his warm rough lips. "A precious jewel for the most beautiful creature I have ever laid my eyes upon."Gabriel whispered leaning down and kneeling at my side. He placed his large hands onto my abdomen. "Will you ever let me go?"I whispered on the verge of tears. Gabriel's silver eyes flashed to me. "No."He admitted firmly. "Yet, once our child is born I will never chain you up again, I give you my word."he stated leaning up to caress my cheek. "How can I believe anything you say?"I demanded ripping my face from his hands. "You said that you would never hurt me, you said that you loved me--yet you cause all the pain in my life, all my suffering."I stated staring up into his eyes. His jaw clenched in anger. I could tell I struck a nerve. He turned to storm out of the room but before he did, he smashed the porcelain vase that sat on top of a shelf.

Two hours later he came back with a shameful look in his face. "I am sorry that I lost my temper."He stated looking off to the side. I had already cleaned it up even though I knew he would fuss about it. "I would like to sleep here tonight if that is alright?"he asked slowly. I nodded softly. No matter how much I hated him, I still needed him to hold me at night. 

I woke in the middle of the night to Gabriel's strong arms around me holding me softly to his warm chest, feeling the slow rise and fall of his breathing. It was dark and silent as I looked around until my eyes caught the glimmer of Gabriel's sword in the pile of his clothes. I don't know what came over me as I removed Gabriel's large arm from around my waist and slowly stepped towards the sword on the side of the room. The chains quietly clanked on the ground creating a soft song of death. I leaned down and gently held the heavy sword in my hands. I stood and made my way to the side of the bed where Gabriel slept quietly. I stared down at him for what seemed an eternity. My mind screamed to slit his throat while I had the chance, yet my heart wouldn't allow me the strength to raise the sword to his neck. Gabriel's eyes flashed open quickly startling me. He stared at me with an intense emotion silently. He slowly took the sword from my golden hands and dropped it onto the stone floor making a clinking sound. As soon as the sword was from my grip Gabriel took me into his arms and turned me over onto the bed so that he lay on top of me completely naked. His silver eyes bore into me as his large hands gripped the ends of my dress and slowly slid it up to my stomach. He leaned down and kissed my lips gently and then harder. His thigh separating my legs allowing him access to my body. I whimpered as he slowly entered my core stretching me with his large shaft. He moved slowly inside if me taking his time and kissing my lips. He had never been so gentle. I felt the muscles of his body tighten and coil as he held back his aggression. We were making love and I knew this as he whispered sweet words into my ears, slowly bringing my body to a familiar pleasure only he could give me. 

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