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Alaethiya. I am Alaethiya. I am alive somehow. I am Alaethiya, I am the queen of Rome. I live. 

I am. I am. I-I am Alaethiya, I fought, I survived. I am Alaethiya, I am a mother, I am alive. I am a mother, I am the queen of Rome, I -I am a wife. Gabriel...

Where is he? I awoke three days ago, my throat scorched in terrible pain. My back and abdomen swelled with large purple bruises that littered my brown skin. My skin felt disgusting. If I could rip it off my body I would have then. Disgust at the realization of the ordeal rushed through my body. Since then it has not left me yet. This disgust, for the enemy, a bitterness towards the world, and my own shame. Where is Gabriel? 

I haven't seen him for so long my heart was afraid to meet him again. I feared what sight his eyes would hold of me. What would I see reflected through those grey eyes. Would I see sadness?Pity? Gabriel, most likely anger. Whatever I would see, I needed to see it. I needed to know, I need to see the way he looked at me. 

"Your highness,-"Alexander slowly entered the balcony where I stood looking at the view of sun setting behind the city of Rome. Seven guards stood stoically at each entrance, watching me like hawks. Since the attack Gabriel halted the expansion of Rome, and placed an entire army of soldiers in the palace to guard while he hunted the men who attacked us. I cried silently in my mind as I thought of this. Gabriel was alone out there, I knew he was a strong and ruthless leader, however I could not anguish at the thought of any harm that could come to him. 

"Yes Alexander?"I replied calmly still somewhat lost in my thoughts and the sunset. "Alexiye has been sent to her home village to be buried, her family received the letter and gold you sent as well your Majesty." he replied as he watched me with a stony gaze. For someone so young he had such pain filled eyes. 

"Thank you Alexander, have you heard any word from Gabriel?"I asked as I turned to meet his sad green eyes. Alexander remained pensive as he stared blankly at the pillar above my head. He could not meet my eyes anymore. My spirit broke a little more when I realized the sadness in his eyes were just a reflection as well. 

"My brother, Gabriel is going to come back dear sister."Brenae rang in her soft voice. She smiled through the red bruise that lay sorely on her cheek. After all this Brenae was still positive, well at least she could fake positivity, for that I admired and appreciated her greatly. She was still innocent in some ways, ways Alaethiya craved to never change. 

"How can you be so faithful Brenae, I know Gabriel is stronger than most men, but he is still a man, how can I have hope that he will return safely when he is out there on his own?"I questioned earnestly. Of course I wasn't the only soul in the palace that held doubts and fear. 

"Gabriel is not just a man, he is a Warrior. He will be back, and he will have their heads in his hands."Brenae stated proudly. 

"You know this how?"I asked teasingly as I raised a quizzical eyebrow in her direction. "Gabriel is the greatest fighter of our time, but most ardently is the most stubborn man in the universe. He will have their heads."she responded as what she said was the as sure as sky and land. The guards who stood watch on the balcony all bowed their head in agreement. My hot tempered husband has seemed to make a reputation for himself. My heart laughed in agreement, yes Gabriel was stubborn that was true. 

As I turned to leave the balcony Brenae exclaimed,"Alaethiya! Look, look! it is Gabriel. Gabriel is here!" 

I snapped my head in the direction where Brenae's delicate finger pointed off into the Roman sunset. Like a fire, Gabriel burst through the orange hue that cascaded over the amber landscape. His midnight black stallion's hooves pounded against the earth like thunder. 

My body was overcome with an exhilaration I could not explain

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My body was overcome with an exhilaration I could not explain. There he was, my love was back, four distinct male bodies tied behind his chariot being drug ruthlessly through the dirt like cattle. I realized then that Gabriel never made threats, only promises. 

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