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All that you got skin to skin,

Oh my God don't you stop boy.



"Come here." Gabriel demanded. His eyes followed my every moment as I hesitantly made my way to his side. I stood a foot away from him. He reached his rough hands outward and yanked me towards his body as he sat in his chair. He buried his face onto my stomach, his hands bunching up the silk of my dress around my back and his soft black hair teasing my chest. "Where have you been?" I questioned remaining still. I was afraid. His grasp on me was so soft and gentle, yet so much power and roughness was laced around his affection. He stood up abruptly towering over me as always. "Stay still and don't move from this spot."Gabriel demanded gazing into my eyes briefly before he went to the banquet door. Where was he going. He shut the door completely and turned the lock of the door. The clicking of the lock a defining sound of my position. He began to remove his armor slowly his eyes still watching me closely. "What did you need to discuss Gabriel?" I asked remaining in my spot. "We will not be discussing anything little one."Gabriel stated turning away from me shortly to place his sword carefully on the table. "What do you mean?" I murmured slowly watching his movements. "I am going to fuck you."Gabriel said casually as he stared at my eyes daring me to move an inch from my spot, walking closer to me with each movement. I was at loss for words. He was so crude, but why did his words make my body warm all over. He stood in front of me once again. He began to slowly lower the top of my dress making sure not to tear the material. My breast bounced forth as if they begged to be held by Gabriel. I wanted to cover myself from his stare, but even more i loved the way his eyes soaked in my image. His grey eyes flickered to something so primal. "Have you been a good girl?"Gabriel asked slowly lifting up the hem of my dress. "I'm not a girl, I am a woman."I stated yanking my skirt from his grip. He didn't like this action at all. He roughly turned me around and bent me over the table. He then yanked my dress up so that it circled around my waist. Slowly he nibbled at my brown thighs while pulling down my maiden-wear. I could feel his warm tongue circle around my pearl slowly. He began to grunt in pleasure soaking me into his mouth. His hands grasped my thighs in place  strongly so that my wiggling around wouldn't halter his access. I bit my lip holding in a moan. There were dozens of people outside the banquet hall doors. He stood and plunged his manhood deep inside of me. The sudden feeling of being filled up with his girth made me gasp in pleasure. "You have been a good girl."Gabriel grunted thrusting into me slowly. He was stretching me to fit him perfectly. "They will hear."I panted pushing myself partially up from the table, my nipples cold from the hard surface. "Good."Gabriel declared placing me back down to the table his hand tracing my spine as he plunged into me deeper and deeper. He began to pound into my core relentlessly, rotating every once in a while to make sure that I felt every part of his entire shaft. "This is the only thing I crave."Gabriel grunted as he clutched his large hands around my waist not halting his pounding. The sounds of our skin and juices smacking in a sensual orchestra intertwined with his groans and my moaning. He began to nibble down my back leaving, surely leaving marks that would last for days. "I feel it coming." I whimpered rotating my hips with Gabriel which causes him to grunt in pleasure. "Not yet, I want you to feel me inside of you for days."Gabriel demanded as he removed his shaft and turned me around so that I now faced him. His grey eyes had glazed over making him look more rugged and dangerous. He lifted my legs effortlessly and placed me on the table. He plunged into me harder this time. Thrusting inside of me with all his power. My breasts bounced up and down with his pumping. His lips at my ear so that every grunt was close and warm. My nails began to scratch at his back as I held on enjoying every inch of him. I could feel my pearl milking him and clenching tighter around his shaft. My body burst in pleasure as his seed seeped into me deeper than it ever did before. My body began to tremble from the pleasure. Gabriel placed small kisses on my forehead and ear. His hands tracing my thighs and back slowly for what seemed forever. Gabriel removed himself from me and took me off the table. He pulled the top of my dress up covering my breast and placed the hem of my skirt back down to its modest position. The entire time he stared at me silently looking into my eyes. As he left to exit the banquet hall I stopped him. "Gabriel?" I called out softly. "Yes." He replied pausing at the door yet not turning to me. "What do you think of me?" I asked hoping to gain some sense to how he felt about me. He stood there seemingly to contemplate his words. "I have no opinion of you."He stated exiting the doors and leaving me there.

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