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What if I told you, that it was all in vain.

Would it still hurt you, would it still feel the same?

You're still waiting on the moment, breath is bated.

I wish I could hold you, I cant take it

Praying that tomorrow I'll be braver

Maybe I could tell you, maybe we can do this

Kisses on my forehead we can fall into it,

love you like the rain it falls much faster


I had done what was necessary. Seven young girls, thrown out into the street because I had a duty to my people. I remember now at this exact moment where my heart must turn to stone and my innocence retreats what my father had said to me as a child, "The lion cannot protect himself from traps, and the fox cannot defend himself from wolves. One must therefore be a fox to recognize traps, and a lion to frighten wolves."  As a young girl I did not understand these words. Yet now as I stand here destroying the lives of girls by throwing them out into the cruel city of Rome, I know what those words mean. That as a Queen, there is not any room for docility. I must learn my role and play it well, for the sake of home is left in my hands. Time it seems has passed me. I now looked into a burning sunset, an ominous orange touching the life of lands far away, taunting me, taunting my lack of freedom to leave this place.

I sat in my chambers brushing my hair so that I could retreat to slumber. It first came with thunderous footsteps. My heartbeat raced with both anticipation and fear. Gabriel. He swung the door to my chamber and rushed into the room. I was yanked up by arm within his large grip. "What have you done?" he questioned enraged. "Oh you mean when I got rid of your harlots?"I seethed a triumphant smirk on my face. "What makes you think you have the power to make such decisions?" he questioned, daring me to respond. His masculinity and heat washed over me in waves. Desire. "I believe I received that power when you married me." I retorted yanking my arm from him and turning my back. Perhaps to both show my defiance and shield myself from the sensuality I felt when he was near me. The room grew silent. I turned to him and saw a statue. A statue that watched me closely. Silence was never good, especially with Gabriel. "Then as my wife you will perform such duties, now that I do not have my women, you will learn your lesson, you will learn to respect me."Gabriel demanded rushing towards me. He knew this tactic would frighten me. Never had a man been let to touch me so often as Gabriel had, and now he was insinuating this. I ran around the room avoiding him. "I will catch you and I'm going to happily punish you." He declares glaring at me heatedly as we circled my bed. A strange tango of predator and prey. "You're a beast!" I yell throwing a silk pillow at him. "Oh you just wait princess." He states with a satisfied smirk catching the pillow. I look towards the slightly ajar door. This was my escape. I bolted for the door but was instantly lifted into the air over Gabriel's shoulder. With a loud bang and click he had slammed the door and locked it. I was thrown onto the bed and soon found the weight of Gabriel on top of me. Hard muscles and heat wrapped around my body. 

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