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I had never felt my heart before, I knew where it resided. I knew the familiar sound of my heartbeat, but the moment I laid eyes on my beloved beaten and lifeless, I felt my heart crack within my chest. My knees buckled as I walked to where she lay. I had never felt so weak and helpless. I brushed the back of my hand against her soft skin to feel her warmth, to feel close to her. Never had I loved a woman with all of my being. I felt my eyes sting with an unfamiliar sensation. Water pooled from my sockets as I buried my face into her neck. 

"Gabriel...she, she was raped."my sister whispered, her voice filled with tears as well. My body ran ice cold and every bone in my body constricted within the conflict of pure sorrow and fury. I should have been here, I shouldn't have left. I will kill every last man who dared to enter my home. I would make them suffer slowly, I would destroy everything they held dear. Each head I will keep as a trophy. 

"We must get her to a healer Gabriel."Brenae stated brushing the matted ringlet of hair from Alaethiya's face. Even then, when she was beaten and torn, she was the most beautiful sight my eyes had ever seen. My heart squeezed tightly in anguish and guilt.

"Where are my children?"I questioned letting the hot tears I had never known run down my face. 

"They are safe, Alexander is watching over them, they are safe."Brenae replied softly as she continued to groom Alaethiya. 

"Bring them to me."I commanded tracing my finger across Alaethiya's soft lip. 

"Gabriel, you, you are not in the best condition right now-"

I turned to her with coldest stare my body could craft. I would not be denied the sight of my own children. I needed to see them safe with my own eyes. Brenae scurried away in fear. 

Left alone, I planted a gentle kiss to my wife's lips. The taste of salt from my tears mixed with her sweet scent drove me over the edge of sanity. I will avenge, I will make them pay, I promised silently as I stroked her smooth curls. 

The cry of my daughter down the hall caught my ear. My soul leaped in anticipation and comfort. Brenae entered carrying two bassinets filled with my children. There they were, so innocent and swaddled in cloth. I rushed over to analyze my daughter. Her tiny hand reached out to snatch my finger that engulfed her entire palm. I placed her head against my nose and sniffed her scent, bringing me reassurance. She giggled at my action making my heart swarm with warmth. Those eyes like her mother's would be the death of me and my stone cold heart. I placed her back into her bassinet, and turned to my son. He laid calm and watching. His grey eyes like mine filled with wonder. I sniffed him yet he did not giggle, he lay still watching me as if I held secrets he needed to know. 

"We must get the Queen to a healer."The boy named Alexander said. My body became rigid in anger once again. I snapped towards his direction. "Where were you?"I interrogated my voice in a low growl. 

"What?"The boy questioned slowly. 

"Where were you when my wife was being tortured!?"I demanded slamming my fist into the counter top and making Zahreen wail in a louder cry. 

"Gabriel-calm down."Brenae said moving in front of Alexander. 

"Move."I said in a low deadly tone.

"Alaethiya ordered us to take care of the children, she knew-"Brenae tried to reason as I stalked forward towards Alexander. He was here. Yet he did nothing. He did nothing while my wife was beaten and raped.

"She knew what she had to do as Queen and as a moth-"before Brenae could finish her sentence my hand struck down like thunder across her face. She fell to the ground hard. Alexander charged at me with pure hatred. I clasped my hand around his throat and slammed his head into the wall.

"You defend her, yet where were you when Alaethiya needed you?! She took you off the streets, opened our home to you, you coward."I yelled as I crushed his jaw in my hand. His green eyes ablaze with agony and hatred. 

"Where were you when she needed you?!"I yelled close to cracking his skull with my bare hands, rage coursing through my body, all I could see was a violent red as fury overtook my vision. 

"Where were you Gabriel?"Brenae asked, her tears silent and full of bitterness. 

"She cried out for you, only for you, where were you?"Brenae demanded shaking as she tried to stand. 

My shoulders slumped and my heart clenched together causing raw pain, making me release Alexander from my hold. He slumped to the floor exhausted and in search for breath desperately.

"Quiet!"I yelled my fists tightening into my palms so hard my flesh broke, causing raw blood to leak from my palms. 

"No, You were not here when we needed you, when she needed you. We had orders to protect your children, a job that is only yours, yet you abandoned this home and left us defenseless against those savages. And now, in blind foolish rage you attack us, wasting precious time while Alaethiya slips closer to death, you wish to blame, yet the only blame here lies to you. You are my brother, but you are no man, you are a monster." Brenae yelled in pure disgust as she clutched her cheek that bore a large bruise. 

I charged out of the room to flee from my own horrors, my head exploding in anguish and guilt. 

A healer. I need to find a healer. 

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