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It's not your fault that I'm loved to my limit
I've had plenty so I know you're mine
If only a prayer would make your touch so I'd feel it
But I'd be wasting time 

-Fka twigs


Gabriel sat at his desk looking over papers in a deep scowl. He was being a petulant child. He wouldn't stay in bed to let his wounds fully heal and when he was up and about he constantly twisted his face in pain. Many times I contemplated knocking him over the head with a chair so that he would stay in bed, but I wasn't sure whether it would help his disposition. "Alaethiya-I need you to do something for me."Gabriel managed to say while still sifting through piles of scrolls on his desk. "What is it?"I replied standing up and smoothing out the wrinkles in my dress. Gabriel looked up to me with those grey eyes in pain, but something else laid in his eyes-something so primal-flashed across his eyes as he held me still with his gaze. "I need you to deliver these orders to my next in command Ryan."He said handing me a thick scroll. "Where would he be?"I questioned not sure where to go in this huge palace. Gabriel stared at me in the eyes. "I'm sure you won't have trouble locating him."I nodded and turned to go. Gabriel placed both of his hands on my arms and placed his forehead on the lower part of my back. He inhaled deeply and sighed. My body froze and tensed up. I was so small, why could I never overpower? "Thank you, for everything."He stated letting my let my arms go. I exhaled and left the chamber.

I walked down the corridor which one of the maids directed me. The walls held shields and heads of wolves. I heard deep grunts and skin clashing against flesh. I was all of a sudden afraid. The door at the end of the corridor made the loudest sounds that invaded the hallway. I knocked but there was no response. I decided to open the door. What I saw I doubt I will ever forget. A tall lean man stood leaning against the wooden table while a buffer guy was kneeling and bobbing his head up and down on the other mans shaft. The man that stood had his hand in the other mans blonde locks and pushed his head roughly back up and down. I stood there frozen. I had never seen anything like that. What were they doing? The men stopped abruptly and turned to me. They both had a deep red blush on their faces. The blonde man stood and he towered over the other man who I recognized as Ryan. "Cade could you gives us a moment."Ryan turned to the blonde man sending him a devilish smirk. As Cade passed me to leave the room he had a smirk of satisfaction on his face. "G-Gabriel told me to give this message to you."I stated looking everywhere else but him. I was probably redder than a tomato. I was sheltered when it came to sex and with Gabriel he was always the one to pursue different positions. Ryan took the scroll from my hand. His deep hazel eyes a mixture of gold greens and mischief. While he read the message he looked up to me to still a glance every once and a while. It made me want to read the letter even more. Ryan looked up and smiled at me. "Gabriel has instructed me to take you out of the palace to see the city and your orphanage, he has stressed greatly that you do not protest."Ryan smirked wiggling the scroll in my face tauntingly. Gabriel! I should have known he was up to something. All my nerves were in chaos. He frustrates me so much. 

As we rode into town on the chariot I had relaxed and began to enjoy Ryan's company. He was funny and he made me feel comfortable. "Are you always so tense?"Ryan chuckled facing me with his soft and hard features. "Yes."I replied crossing my arms. "I'm assuming you never seen a man get his cock sucked either?"He stated chuckling deeper. I choked on the air and my face turned beet red. "I guessed right."Ryan said his eyes lighting up with mysterious excitement. "Is Cade your-your lover?"I questioned curiously. Ryan burst out in louder laughter. "No he is my partner in battle, I guess in bed too."Ryan replied grinning in my direction. "So you-what is it-never mind."I said in confusion. Ryan turned to me and smiled, "If you want to have more sexual freedom you should take more control."He said looking me in the eyes knowingly, like he knew my thoughts. "How would I do that?"I replied arching an eyebrow in curiosity. "When you control a man's shaft, you control his entire body."Ryan stated placing his hand on my shoulder. 

When we returned to the palace I made my way back to me and Gabriel's chambers. When I entered he was sitting in bed sipping some broth on his own. He had gotten better quicker than expected. This man would always be a mystery to me. His grey eyes met mine but this time I ignored his gaze. From now on I would take control. "How was your day?"Gabriel asked returning to sip his broth. "Good."I replied turning around to take off my dress. I made sure to let it fall down slowly. I knew all Gabriel could do was stare because of his bandages. Gabriel's breaths became deeper and more even. I turned to look over my shoulder at him. "What's wrong?"I questioned innocently. Gabriel just stared at me darkly not replying at all. I went to the wardrobe and placed on a silk gown hemmed with delicate lace. I unpinned my curly hair from its bun and let it fall down my back. My every move Gabriel watched silently. I made my way over to his side while he lay on the bed. "I have to change your bandages before we go to bed Gabriel."I said placing my hand on his chest. He nodded his head but kept his intense gaze on me. As he stood up he grunted in pain. The sensation of him towering over me is something I would never get used to. I untied the bandage and unraveled it from his back and torso. Gabriel clenched his fists tightly. I got a new bandage and placed it on his stitches. They would leave an ugly scar but at least he was still alive. I circled around him as he held his arms above my head and he stared down at me. Around the last loop I felt his manhood hard as rock. I froze. He looked down at me and smirked. I grabbed it and took it in my hands. His eyes widened in shock. I knew he would have never expected me to do it. His entire body tensed and hardened. I rubbed my hand up and down his shaft and went down to my knees. I pulled his pants away and let his manhood spring out. I stared up at him and smiled sweetly. His eyes were darker than I had ever seen them.  I kissed the tip of his shaft and his body rolled in pleasure. Gabriel gripped the edges of the night stand next to the bed. I plunged my tongue and mouth down his manhood making Gabriel grunt loudly. I swirled my tongue and sucked until I felt the veins around his shaft tighten. I looked up to his eyes and his face was contorted in pure ecstasy. His large hands came and laced themselves in my hair. He began to push my mouth down harder on to him bucking his hips into my lips. I pushed his hands away and held them at his side. I was in control. I looked up to him with a mischievous glint in my eyes. This must have sent him over the edge because then I felt him explode in my mouth and down my throat. I continued to suck up and down to milk him of everything. He moaned out loud enough for the entire palace to hear. I popped  my mouth from him and stood up. I turned and left the chambers. 

I had never been so proud of myself. I had him in the palm of my hands. I sat in my old chambers where dozens of flowers were sent to me on top of new dresses and jewelry. Gabriel was trying to spoil me. To get me back into his arms. It seemed he would do everything to please me now. Yet there was only one thing I wanted, power. 

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