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The night went on dryly. I was glad that Alexander would have a safe place to sleep tonight. Without the dirt in his hair it became a light blonde hue. As we sat at the banquet table Alexander stared at the food in awe, yet he did not touch his plate. "What troubles you Alexander?"I questioned him softly. "It is not my place your majesty, I am but a lowly peasant."Alexander stated looking down into his lap. "You are my friend, therefore you will never live another day hungry, you are no longer a peasant."I replied scooting his plate closer to him. Alexander nodded and began to eat the leg of meat that rested on his plate. As I looked up Gabriel stared at me without emotion. There was not anger or adoration, just his silver eyes. As the night drew on I retired early to my new chambers. Hopefully this would increase my chances of securing an heir. The thought still filled me with rage, how dare he take away my privacy. As I laid in bed I looked up at the sealing and began to pray to the Gods. A moment later Gabriel entered our chamber and sat at his desk. He seemed tense and frustrated, at least thankfully this time it was not with me. "Why do you stare at me Alaethiya?"Gabriel questioned running his hands roughly through his black locks. "I let out a small chuckle and shook my head. "I have work to do, go to bed."Gabriel demanded sternly. I scoffed. "I will go to bed whenever I please."I stated rising up to a sitting position. "Very well." Gabriel replied dryly while rolling his eyes in nonchalance. "Why are you so tense?"I questioned to his back. "I must leave soon to Alexandria so that I may inspect my troops there, there has been rumors of revolt within the civilians."Gabriel replied slowly. "How long will you be gone?"I questioned anxiously. "Don't worry your pretty little head, I promise to return quickly to ensure your misery as my wife."Gabriel sarcastically. I threw a pillow at the back of his head but he caught it mid air without turning around. "Gabriel I need to have a son!, you know this very well and you choose to taunt me."I argued. Gabriel sat silently for what seemed forever. "Is that what you want Alaethiya?"Gabriel questioned as he turned to me, his grey eyes burning a hole into my body. "I have a duty as your wife."I replied avoiding his hard stare. "That is not what I asked, once you carry my seed You will never be able to leave this palace, you will be trapped here, I would never let you go, is that what you want Alaethiya?"Gabriel argued rising up from his desk in frustration. "I do not know what I want, but I know what I must do."I replied finally coming to realization of what freedom I would lose in the process. Gabriel slammed his fist onto his desk splintering part of the wood. He turned quickly towards me and began removing his armor. "What are you doing?" I questioned softly. "I am being your husband." He replied and removed the cloth that covered his body. I had never seen a nude man before but Gabriel was no ordinary man. Every muscle and vein crafted into perfection. I refused to look lower onto his manhood. A deep scarlett blush adorned my face. "I did not mean in this moment."I responded flustered. "I am leaving in the morning for my journey, we will do this now."Gabriel stated as he placed his naked body under the covers next to me. My body froze.

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