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Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, it is that we are powerful beyond measure.

Yet in this moment, I had little power over my circumstances. Seas away from home and a husband that is cruel. I must produce an heir to secure both the security of my people but also my place. Without a male heir, I will hold no power. This is, the plight in which life has placed upon women. Love, I do not know if I will ever find it. Power is something I may still reach. Obedience, never. Gabriel can threaten me until the sky's fall down and crumble, yet he is still a man. This is, the plight in which life has placed against man. I intend to exploit it.
"You may leave now." Gabriel stated removing his calloused fingers from my skin. I laughed softly, almost a whisper. "I would advise you Gabriel, to no longer confuse me with one of the subservient women in your life. The next time you refer to me as anything less than your wife or Queen, I honor my word truly, you will rue the day. You may have violent, or improper thoughts you believe will threaten me, yet rest assured , husband, I do not threaten, I make promises."With those words I smiled sweetly and departed. Yet before I left I turned to see a furious Gabriel staring at my form. "You may not wish to bed me husband, but I have a feeling, some one will." As I said this I looked him square in the eye. When I closed the door to his Chambers my body shook in anxiety. I am nothing but a girl. This mask will only last so long. How much time do I have before everything falls apart? By the time I am able to permanently secure my place in power, will it be too late? With these thoughts, salted tears slowly painted my cheek. Each step towards the banquet hall intertwined with inner thoughts of the future. "Brenae?"I questioned to signify my need for her attention. Although it was somewhat redundant since all eyes were on me as I entered the room, yet formalities are still recquired. "Yes Alaethiya?" she responded. "I wish to go into town today."I stated,"You will accompany me on this trip since I wish to further our relationship as family." I replied sitting down at my place at the head of the table to a cold plate of sliced pork and warm grape juice. "That is not allowed madam, Gabriel did not give orders to support this trip." One of Gabriel's men stated. A sigh of frustration escaped me. "You are not in the position to question my decisions nor are you in the position to interrupt me during a conversation with my counterparts." I replied disinterested while I analyzed the smoked pork on my plate. I was tired of men telling me what I could and couldn't do. "What is your name sir?" I questioned taking a sip of my drink and making eye contact with him. He was surprisingly calm. "My name is Augustus, son of Augustine, madam."he replied."Are you familiar with the city Augustus?"I questioned while breaking apart a piece of bread into small bits to place into my mouth. "Very well, Madam."Augustus admitted. "Splendid, you will also accompany me on this trip, since my companion Alexiye is not yet familiar with this land, I entrust you with our guidance."I stated while deciding how to cut the pork that laid upon my plate. "I am very honored your majesty, yet I have duties that are demanded of me by Gabriel."Augustus replied shakily while still providing a polite smile. "Your duties are dismissed." I stated as I got up from my seat appetite spoiled. "We will leave now." I announced pushing in the chair I previously vacated.

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