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  When, my, time comes around

Lay me gently in the cold dark earth

No grave can hold my body down

I'll crawl home to her  


My body shook with fear. I would die. A woman of my size would not make it.It was not a direct decree of death but they knew the outcome of this sentence. If I did not die I would be permanently mutilated. I doubted I would live past this. However I did not cry. I kept my head held high as I saw two guards make their way towards me. One held a long leather whip, small needles towards the tip of it. The Roman standard. They took me by the arms and escorted me to a long wooden pole. At that moment I looked towards the Roman people. They stared in shock. I looked at them for comfort. Some nodded to me in reassurance. Others looking to the ground in fear of what was to come. The guards tied my hands around the tall wooden pole my chest resting on the scratchy surface. One guard began to rip the back of my dress exposing the top of my back. Just then I heard the swift sound of a sword being sheathed. "Move away from her now!"Gabriel barked pointing his sword at the guards throat. I was not sure how he moved over here so quickly but there he stood, menacing and violent. I could not see him but by the faces of the people I knew it was a frightening sight. "You draw one drop of blood from her and I will ensure that all of you will die by my sword."Gabriel proclaimed loudly. My body was stunned. What was he doing!? "The punishment must occur, a crime has been committed."A man from the table stated back. There was silence for a moment. Time stopped and stood still. "I will take her punishment."Gabriel stated strongly. What!? "As General of Rome, you would kneel on the ground and take her punishment?"A different man asked in astonishment. "I have spoken."Gabriel replied drawing his sword back. What was he doing. This would possibly make him look weak in front of the people. He was the General! The people of the town stood silent in shock. Gabriel came towards me and knelt in front of me. he began to cut the ties around my wrists with a dagger. "Gabriel why are you doing this?"I whispered to him meeting his sad eyes. "Because I love you."He stated yanking me up from my knees and moving me to the side. My stomach had dropped. Did he say what I think he said? I was pushed aside as two guards tied Gabriel's wrists around the wooden pole. The guards swiftly removed his armor exposing his toned back. He already had many scars that traced his back in a intricate dance of violence. Gabriel clenched his jaw and stared darkly into the distance. I began to run towards him. I couldn't let him do this. I was held back by two guards, their strong arms clutching me down to my place. "Gabriel don't do this!"I cried still trying to shake off the two guards. Gabriel clenched his eyes tightly stopping himself from looking at me. 

With a deafening sound the whip cracked the air and sliced into Gabriel's back. He did not scream or cry out, just tightened his muscles in a rigid stance. Blood trickled down his back onto the stone ground. After the the thirteenth lash Gabriel's back was torn into shreds.I was sobbing in tears. His head bobbed back and forth in and out of consciousness.The soldiers arms loosened around me. I took this as my chance to run to Gabriel. I rushed towards and knelt in front of him holding his face in my hands. My eyes were blurred by tears. "Gabriel keep your eyes open."I pleaded rubbing the sweat and blood from his forehead. The lash met his skin in a brutal assault once again. My body jumped in shock.Blood began to trickle from his mouth. "I'm s-sorry."He stated laying his bloodied face in my hands. "Shhh."I cried placing my forehead on his. The lashes continued to rain down dragging his soul farther away from mine. 

After the whip had been dropped and the people dispersed back into their homes I took Gabriel's dagger and cut the rope around his wrists. His unconscious body collapsed onto me covering me in his warm blood. He was losing so much blood. 

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