Author's Note

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Hey y'all! I'm going to address a few things for my readers here. 

MIA?: I've been gone for so long I know you guys. I needed a break from everything though. I just finished my second year of college and let me tell you, your girl is exhausted mentally and physically. For a while I was drained creatively as well. But i'm back, ready to give yall goosebumps. Hold your edges babes cuz they bout to get snatchedddd!

Skin tone???: You guys, Alaethiya is a very dark skinned black woman

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Skin tone???: You guys, Alaethiya is a very dark skinned black woman. I think it's great that we are starting to get so many women of color into the main stream media, but I think for now we have enough lighter skinned women representing us. Let me explain, I think every shade of human is wonderful and beautiful, however, it is unfair as well as inaccurate to only offer a platform of lighter skinned women to portray us as a race. So, that being said, I wanted a strong and gorgeous DARK skinned protagonist for this book. Also, not to all of you because for the most part y'all are the greatest and sweetest readers, but just because I am lighter skinned does not mean I have to uphold a system that promotes only the beauty of lighter toned women. I hope this finds someone who needs it. You are beautiful, you are worth magnificent tales of love and adventure, and you deserve to be written about. 

Not my president: Fight against hatred you guys

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Not my president: Fight against hatred you guys.

Fanfiction???: If any of y'all want to write little shorts or have ideas of how you want or wanted the story to go send me a message and I'll share my email. Don't be shy lovelies!

 Don't be shy lovelies!

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