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Darker than the ocean,

deeper than the sea,

you got everything,

you got,

what I need.

- Alina

         "Gabriel you can't leave now, you've barely had time to even hold our children, please

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"Gabriel you can't leave now, you've barely had time to even hold our children, please."I begged crying softly as Gabriel readied himself for his travels. "Alaethiya, I want nothing more than to be here with my family, but I have duties as the general, I must go soon." Gabriel replied pausing his actions to stare me deeply into my eyes. "Why do you have to go so soon, why do you have to leave now?"I questioned following him as he paced around the room gathering items for his trip. Gabriel slammed his fist against the wooden desk where he had been sorting through scrolls. "I am leaving and that is final!"He yelled his jaw clenched tightly in anger. Then and there my tears came down like streams from a waterfall. I would be all alone with him gone. I didn't want my first memories with the babies to be without him, I wanted him there so badly. I felt Gabriel take me into his arms and his warm lips kiss my forehead and then my temple. "Shhh, it's okay. I'm sorry Alaethiya, I shouldn't have yelled."He whispered softly as he stroked my curls with his large rough hands. I cried into his chest while he held me close to him. "Everything will be alright princess, I will return as soon as the matters settle." Gabriel assured before kissing me softly. "I must go now, give our little ones a kiss for me when you can."Gabriel said as he left through our chamber doors.

It had been a week since Gabriel left .I sat in a comfortable chair while feeding Zahreen. Her golden little hands balled into a small fist as she was filled with milk. I felt so much love here. Looking at her. My son laid in his bassinet sleeping softly as Alexander rocked it gently and Brenae sat sewing a garment and humming a sweet melody.

"Thank you for your company Brenae and Alexander."I said to my friends. Alexander just smiled with his knowing eyes and Brenae gave a sweet nod in my direction.

That's when we heard a loud bang. Someone was slamming against the door. Luckily it hadn't woken Gabriel up but Zahreen began to emit a soft cry.

"Open the door you whore!" A man yelled from the other side. My heart began to race and my stomach dropped.

"Alexander and Brenae! take the babies, and hide them, stay hidden, protect them with your life!"I whispered hardly at Alexander as he rushed to his feet in alert. His green eyes ablaze with a chaotic emotion and Brenae's brown eyes sunken in fear.

"I will not leave you my Queen"Alexander replied as he scooped Gabriel into his pale lean arms. As I stood to hand him Zahreen the door began to splinter in half.

"You must! Whoever it is, they want me and they wont stop until they find me, take them, take them to the hidden cellar Gabriel constructed for situations as these, you know the way, go, you must go now!" I pushed at him and Brenae to the secret door behind the stone wall.

"I will defend them with my life." Brenae looked back at me.

I nodded solemnly.

As soon as Alexander and Brenae were through the door and it was hidden the door to the chamber burst open, wood flying everywhere.

There were three men who rushed in. They looked to be around thirty summers, with scars and rugged beards on their faces. "Well, look here men, this whore is a beautiful one."The man i the middle chimed smiling creepily.

"I am no whore! I am Queen Alaethiya, Wife of the General and daughter of Persia!."I snapped readying myself to attack them as much as I could. I was still recovering from child birth, but even still, in full health I knew I could not defeat these men on my own. However, I wouldn't be myself if I let them take me without a fight.

"Who are you, and what do you want?!" I question balling my fists up and moving behind a large wooden table as a barrier between me and the men.

"We are getting paid a hefty price for your head, and this we will deliver."The man in the middle replied tauntingly. He charged at me as he raised his silver sword above his head. I kicked a chair in his direction which slammed into his body and shattered into splinters. He fell to the ground dropping his sword with aloud clang. Then the other men rushed from the other side of the room as I pushed the wooden table over with all of my strength crushing the mans hand that reached for the sword. I ran to pick the sword up just in time to defend myself from the blow of the other man's sword. The man tried to swipe at my abdomen but I dodged it and used his momentum against him to drive the sword in my hand straight through his neck. I pushed him off of the sword and as his body slumped to the floor a stream of crimson blood gushed out of his neck coating the entire room. I wiped my face and eyes of his blood to clear my vision.

The other man stared in shock as he looked down at his comrade. "You bitch!" He bellowed in fury as he charged at me with two daggers. I stepped back and readied myself for his attack. He swiped at me quickly like thunder. Sometimes the hilt of his daggers would slice into my skin leaving faint trails of blood. I rung the sword into the air and as I did his left hand sliced clean off and tumbled to the floor. The man cried out in agony as he clutched his hand and covered the floor in blood. At that moment I felt a rough hand clutch onto my throat from behind.

"We had this all planned! It was supposed to be easy! You were supposed to be alone and defenseless since the General is far from the palace!" The man yelled tightening his grip on my neck cutting off my circulation. "You thought wrong."I spit as I fought to free myself from his grip. I could feel my vision become blurry as my throat burned with raw fire. The sword slipped from my fingers as I began to lose sensation in my body.

"I'm going to teach you a bitch's place." The man sneered as he wrung my neck tighter. He slammed my body to the ground and I felt something in my shoulder snap. I cried out in pain as my back became coated in the blood of the slain man. The man tore the front of my gown open exposing my breasts. I fought and punched against him weakly, trying with all my strength to get free.

"Gabriel will kill you! All of you!"I yelled out as he slammed his fist into my face. I tasted the warm sting of iron on my tongue and my ears rang. "Shut up whore!" He yelled as he turned me over and pinned my body to the blood soaked ground.

I felt his rough hands tear at the back of my dress as I kicked furiously. My lower area was exposed as he spread my legs with one of his large legs. "Zexon, help me keep her still."The man growled to the other that still tried to nurse his new stump for an arm. I then felt the cold metal of his dagger to my throat.

"You move an inch and I'll slice that pretty head right off." He growled.

I cried as I felt the other man shove his armor to the side and lowered himself at my backside. He took his ragged hands and spread my bottom roughly exposing myself to him. I then felt the sharp pain of him entering my rectum. Burning pain tore though my body as he violated me in a way I didn't know possible. He shoved himself deeper inside of me as my body became limp with exhaustion and disgust. He grunted as he forced himself harder and harder into me. I felt his rough hands shove my face into the floor as I cried into the pool of blood. "This should teach you a lesson bitch."He sneered as he released himself inside of me. I sobbed in deep agony.

I felt the back of my head wring in pain as he pulled me up from the floor by my hair. Within the flash of a second I felt the sharp pain of metal slice through my abdomen. I looked down as he yanked the sword from my body and pushed me to the floor to bleed out.

"Let's go." The other man said as he kicked me once in the ribs and in the face.

I felt my body run cold as blood rushed from my body.

I would die here.

Y'all already know Gabriel bout to flip the fuck out.
Stay tuned lovelies....

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