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When we returned to the palace the night had already fallen. "Please tell one of the servants to assemble some dry clothes for my guest and a warm bath in the guest quarters, treat him with the  upmost care and respect." I requested of one of the soldiers that guarded the entrance. "Yes your Majesty." The soldier replied. I turned to Alexander and met his stormy green eyes. "When you are done bathing there will be a great feast in the in the banquet hall,"I smiled."Please ask the servant to assist you around the palace when this time comes."I stated while squeezing his shoulder gently. "Yes your Majesty, thank you."He bowed and left with the the soldier. "We need to have a discussion Alaethiya." Gabriel demanded in a stern tone. "Yes Gabriel, what do you wish to converse about?" I questioned while heading in the direction of my chambers to find dry clothes. "Don't play innocent, you know exactly what I wish to discuss. Who told you that you had permission to leave the palace? Who told you that you are allowed to give orders to my men? Do you wish for me to hurt you, this is the only reason I can see for your consistent disobedience." I huffed and quickened my pace to my chambers. I was not in the mood for his disrespect. "I am not your prisoner Gabriel, therefore I will leave when I so ever please. I am the Queen and your wife, I will give orders to whoever I wish."I responded while placing my hand on my hips. "Are we done with this conversation now?"I questioned while turning the knob of my chamber door. What I saw was something I did not expect. My chamber was completely empty. I stepped outside the door to make sure I had opened the correct one. "Where are my things Gabriel?"I demanded while meeting his gaze. "I had all your things moved to my quarters."Gabriel replied without care for my feelings. "You have no right, I require my own privacy and solitude!"I yelled stomping my foot. "This is my palace and you are my wife, I have every right. Next time maybe you will think before you threaten to bed other men, this is the only way I can assure your virtue."Gabriel replied smirking as though he won a game of chess. "You waited until now to tell me? I walked this entire hallway to my chambers and you found this the appropriate time to inform me?"I questioned in frustration. "It pains me to admit, I quite enjoy watching your rear as you walk."Gabriel stated before turning in the direction of his chambers. "You foul mouth beast-"I muttered underneath my breath. Gabriel just shook his head in amusement.

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