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Revenge is so sweet, the only risk is that you go insane. (MOON holiday)

We all gathered in the great hall where in a few moments Gabriel would burst through the palace doors and take me into his arms.I anticipated his arrival with my entire soul. I needed him, I need him here. However, a warm embrace is not what I received. Gabriel marched in, his body rigid and muscles coiled ready to strike anyone that got in his way. Pure fury, it wafted off of him and tickled my body. A warm tingle invaded my core and I shuttered at the thought. For the past few days I couldn't imagine the thought of having another man touch me without bile rising from my stomach and the feeling of dirt crawling into my flesh, but I could not deny the way my body ached for Gabriel's presence.

I pierced my eyes trying to make contact with my husband, yet he avoided my face all together. I knew it. I'm through. He knows I've been ruined, he doesn't want me anymore and what I feared most is now true. I fought back tears that rumbled behind my eyes and throat as my heart broke. I was still a Queen, no matter what, I would always keep my head held high.

Gabriel began to tie the four men to large stone pillars in the great hall that supported the balcony above it. I had never seen Gabriel so furious. The way he strung the men against the pillars like nothing more than animals reminded me of a lion as it stalked off with a meek lamb in it's mouth. They were the prey, and he was the predator. My heart clinched in complicated emotions. A part of me feared for these men, Gabriel would make them suffer greatly, more than I thought suitable for any human. However, a part of me, the part that despised my own reflection and the sight of day, wanted, no, needed them to suffer. So I watched, and I never once looked away.

Gabriel began by stripping each man of the armor that remained on their bodies

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Gabriel began by stripping each man of the armor that remained on their bodies. He threw them to the side as if the heavy metal weighed nothing. "Please! Please, I-I I was told it was only gold your Highness! Please, I have a -I have a family, don't please, please-don't kill me. I-I beg you for mercy."one man called out into the space, both his eyes swelled shut into large purple lumps, his lips trembling with blood and spit as he pleaded for his life. All the other men sagged against their pillars empty of struggle, they had accepted their fate it seemed.

Gabriel turned towards the man silently as he stared him, void of any emotion beyond death. Gabriel was death, in it's purest form. Is death merciful?

"You came into my home.....uninvited. That itself would warrant me to cut every limb from your body. You came into my home, and stole from me. I promise you this, death is the only thing you will beg for, and only then will I be merciful."Gabriel barked crushing the mans beaten face in his large hands until his nails pierced the tender skin.

"I am going to castrate you now." Gabriel asserted as he yanked the cloth that covered the man's genitals. The man began to wriggle in pain as he tried to move out of Gabriel's reach. His efforts for freedom or rescue were undoubtedly useless. "Please! I -I did not touch your Queen. I Swear! I swear!"He cried in anguish and limitless fear.

"I know."Gabriel replied as he sharpened his carving knife. "You are weak in body and spirit, my Queen would have killed you."Gabriel stated as he leaned down to where the man lay against the pillar. "I'm certain after this, you will wish she had." His words caressed my heart in some sick way.

I look up to see a set of eyes on me. The man that had violated me, his eyes filled with pleasure that made my blood boil. A slimy smirk was plastered on his bloodied and bruised face. My body caved in with pure hatred. My hands began to tremble and my skin burned with anger. The palace was filled with the cries and agony of them as Gabriel worked his way down the line. Torturing each slowly like a lethal machine. From the gory sight in front of me, it was as clear as day, Gabriel was no stranger to torturing men. It was clear, Gabriel found pleasure in their screams.

As Gabriel got to the last man my body launched to his side before he could castrate him. "I want to do it."I exclaimed. My mind reacted in shock, I didn't have control over my body anymore. I would have his blood on my hands. I would bathe in it and wash away his vileness with each drop.Gabriel looked at me yet he said nothing. His features smeared with dark cold blood yet he still remained hauntingly handsome. With no words Gabriel placed the knife into my golden palm and stepped to the side.


The man looked up and spat at the floor. His face twisted into a sneer and he began to laugh loudly into the air. "You want my cock in your ass again?"He spit, amusement in his dark eyes. His head lifted in laughter again. With this I sliced down his abdomen like lightning, his penis and scrotum plopped to the floor in a pool of blood. He yelled out into the hall pain in his voice. I grabbed his penis out of the pool of blood and jammed it down his throat. His eyes bulged with the pressure mixed with despair and disbelief. "I think it looks better here."I replied softly. I felt his warm blood trickle down my hands and then my wrist as I placed my thumbs over his eyes. I dug my nails in until I felt a pop, I yanked each eye out and tossed them to the ground to be squished under my sandals. The sounds of his flesh tearing against the stone ground like music to my ears.

"Turn him over,"I commanded picking the knife up once again

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"Turn him over,"I commanded picking the knife up once again. Once he was placed on his stomach I walked back over to his body and knelt down to his exposed posterior. With Gabriel's knife I slowly carved "whore" into the flesh. "Are you fond of this knife Gabriel?"I asked as I turned to Gabriel who stood next to the crowd of servants and soldiers I had forgotten about in my trance. They all stood watching in fear and astonishment. Gabriel watched me carefully, his eyes a mix of something dark and sweet. "Yes, It is my favorite one."He replied watching me silently. "Perfect."I smiled back as I drove the dagger up the mans ass, a chorus of ripping flesh filled the palace. I turned and quickly drew the sword from Gabriel's waist, just as quickly I swung the sword down the back of his neck. The front of his head hung off over his torso still slightly attached to his neck. I lifted the sword again. His blood gushed all  over the room drenching me in scarlet red. I brought the sword down and slowly sliced down on the left over flesh that clung to his head until it dropped to the stone floor. I calmly place the sword at the side of his body and pick up the remains.

I walk to Gabriel, clutching the man's greasy dark locs in my hand."This head is mine."I state, before leaving the hall, a trail of blood dripping from the severed limb.

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