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I had that feeling. I woke up that morning with a purpose. To haunt Gabriel with my femininity. The feeling of a new swish in my hip, a fire in my eyes, and sensuality. A feeling that when necessary, everyone knew and felt. This was a point that was necessary. Not only had Gabriel salted my pride but I also must ensure that he would bed me. I must be insane. The thought of being with a man, especially one of Gabriel's-status made me tremble with fear. I must produce an heir, that meant sex and being on Gabriel's good side. I made sure to soak my body a little longer in the rosewater bath. I left my hair down in dark brown ringlets, I chose a ivory dress with gold stitching that hugged my body and plunged slightly into my breasts. I thought to wear my scarlet dress yet this would be too obvious and would only accomplish the stroking of Gabriel's ego. The dress I wore would emphasize my purity yet tease Gabriel to no end. Yes perfect. The only thing missing was my braided crown that adorned my head. As I swished out of my chambers toward the dining hall for breakfast I made sure to exude an aura of sensuality towards the soldiers that guarded the halls. Their inclination towards me would certainly get back to Gabriel and ultimately make him jealous. If he were going to hit below the belt, I would do it literally and a lot better. I entered the dining hall and once again I was fashionably late. I expected to meet Gabriel's eyes yet he avoided my existence and devoted his attention to maps placed on the table. Two could play this game. I slowly walked towards him. I placed my hand on his broad shoulder,"Dear husband, you seem so tense."I soothed softly gliding my hand up from his shoulder to his black locks. Gabriel stiffed, "I had a hard time retiring last night."he replied returning his eyes back to the maps yet his attention rested on me. I giggled. "It seems Gabriel has trouble sleeping alone."I teased pulling on his lock of hair slightly and head to my seat. The table erupted into laughter. Gabriel stood up from his chair in complete silence, soon the table followed out of fear. "My chambers now." Gabriel stated calmly not even waiting for my response before he turned to leave. Maybe I had gone too far. Maybe I had pinched the right nerves. When I arrived in his chambers he stood at the opening of a balcony in silence. "I wish to converse about last night." Gabriel stated scanning my body with his grey eyes. "What about it?"I asked waiting for my apology. "You must not speak to me while you are here, it has crossed my mind, many, many times to do unspeakable things to you, both violent and improper. I am not a man of patience nor do I usually tolerate insubordinate girls."Gabriel stated as he circled me. He stopped at my shoulder and moved my hair to one side. "Be careful what you do to tempt me, I would ruin you princess." He half whispered as his thumb rubbed circles into my neck gently. "You may leave now."

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