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"Teach me."I stated standing towards the back of Gabriel's head. His body became rigid like stone, his movements so tense and raw. "Alaethiya, not now, there is, there is no time for your silly games." Gabriel growled lowly continuing to guard his gaze from mine. His words stung, but when did they not? It had been a week since Gabriel returned and the savages who attacked the palace were punished. A week, and Gabriel had not yet muttered a single phrase to me. It was like he was a phantom of the man I once knew, or thought I knew.

"Do not call me silly, as your wife I rarely ask you of anything. I want to fight. You will teach me, end of discussion."I retorted not caring for his temperament. It would do me well to remember how dangerous Gabriel could be in his rage, but I knew that he would never lay a finger on me, Gabriel would surely cut off his own hand before doing so. Maybe if I riled him up long enough I could produce some sort of response from him. Gabriel had shut himself off from me, I could not let this haunting mood destroy our marriage, our family or our Empire. Yes these were hard times, but I was given the destiny of a ruler, not for my beauty or grace, but because of my steadfast resilience and courage. I was his Queen whether he liked it or not, and he will bend to me. 

"Have you forgotten that not one summer has passed since you have given birth, to twins for that matter?!" Gabriel burst in frustration, his hands wringing through his dark locks. "Childbirth has not weakened me my love, only but to show me feminine endurance, if anything it has made me the more bold."I replied proudly sliding next to Gabriel upon the balcony. The night sky in Rome was clear, littered with tiny stars and constellations. "Gabriel, this life of ours is hard, but you know how to protect yourself, I do not my love."I whispered placing my brown hand upon his pale one. "I have failed at protecting you, I have failed as your husband and as your king."Gabriel sighed his voice cracking and as slight tear escaped the corner of his eye. My heart sank into my stomach. "No, I am here, I am here with you, I am safe Gabriel."I responded wrapping myself in the comfort of his chest. "It is is my duty as a man, before I am a king or anything else, as your husband,  to ensure harm never befalls you, and I failed, I am so sorry little one."He confessed as his hands caressed my dark curls. "I am a Queen, your Queen. I will always be in danger, I will always have to question the trust of those around me, I will always be a target for those who wish to gain power. However, you can not always be at my side constantly guarding me, you have a war to fight, an empire to lead. Teach me to fight, like you, teach me."I pleaded, falling into his embrace, the warmth I missed for so long. 

"I don't believe I am allowed to say no."Gabriel sighed, clutching me closer to his chest as he inhaled the scent of my body. As I looked up into his grey orbs, swirls of a familiar magic surged through the most sensitive parts of my mind. "Let me run you a bath, you have had a long day, let me take care of you."Gabriel demanded slowly as he whispered into my neck. My body was drunk with the heat of his touch. He hadn't looked at me with those dark eyes in this way for too long. My senses yelped for his affection. 

Gabriel led me to the bathing room that held a golden tub so huge it could fit two full grown steeds inside. Gabriel tenderly removed my silk robe. My breasts sprung free perky with the attention of a hungry wolf at my side. Gabriel stood there watching my body closely as he traced every curve of  my golden body. "Turn around."Gabriel demanded calmly, his voice sending a haunting chill down my spine. I did as Gabriel said, there was no arguing when he had this tone in his voice. Gabriel was in charge, this I knew for sure. "Get on your knees."He grunted as he began to massage his large shaft under his clothes. I did as he commanded and dropped to my knees. As I turned and looked over my shoulder I peeked to see an aroused Gabriel stroking himself to the sight of me. "Don't move."He growled as he caught me staring. He reached down to my neck and pushed my head towards the ground leaving my posterior upwards and open to his gaze. I was so raw with passion I clenched my thighs tighter to stop the rushing of wetness his presence produced. "Stay."Gabriel ordered as he gripped my hips in his large hands, his frustration tearing at his calm demeanor. "Gabriel what are you doing."I sighed as he took one finger and slid it up and down my pearl. "I'm going to taste you before your bath, your scent is driving me mad."He rumbled as he placed his hands on my backside and began to spread me apart, revealing more of myself to him. His tongue slid across my center slowly as he devoured each inch of my core. He nuzzled his nose deep into me drinking in my scent and covering the stubble on his chiseled face with my juices. My hips twisted in pleasure smashing against his tongue in ecstasy as he slurped hungrily.His rough hands gripped my waist tightly keeping me in place. "I wish to fill you with more than my tongue little one, but for now I promised you a bath." Gabriel grunted as he coaxed his tender manhood that sprung against his clothing, the other hand popping into his mouth as he licked his hands greedily, a wolfish grin on his face. 

Gabriel lowered me into the bubbling bath. He poured vases that contained delicate smelling oils and  rose petals into the bath. This was not the first time I had bathed so lavishly, but it would be the first time I was bathed by Gabriel. An act very intimate between a man and a woman. I relaxed into the tub as Gabriel shrugged off his garments. He crouched into the tub claiming the majority of what space remained. His muscles rippled as he grasped the edge of the golden tub. I looked and my heart fluttered when our eyes met. This time I was the prey in Gabriel's gaze. He hovered over me as he raised me up and placed me on his lap. The bubbles and suds dancing down my body slowly onto Gabriel's. He began to massage my entire body for what seemed eternity, softly and tender until my voice was hoarse from pleasure.

Suddenly Gabriel lifted me up once again, this time he positioned his large shaft against my center. He dropped me slowly onto his girth, slightly thrusting upwards stretching me from the inside until my pearl met the end of his shaft, I could feel the wide tip of him nudge my deepest place and tickle it with familiar love. "Oh how I missed being inside of you."Gabriel growled as he pumped in and out slowly. My body shook with the sudden pleasure, Gabriel holding me tightly to his body as he pounded me, the warm water splashing and in sink with his animal like rhythm. Gabriel shot his seed into as he held me down lower onto his girth ensuring I was as filled up as possible with him.

"Come to think of it, if i'm able to get you pregnant again, training you will no longer be up for debate."Gabriel announced as he grounded his hips into me harder swirling around his seed in my stomach with his shaft, tossing my insides around in ecstasy with each pump of his seed. "You dirty beast!"I spat in disarray, my body to numb to pleasure to feel anger. "Keep still, I'm still inside of you." Gabriel growled, his body hardening and his girth seeming to get thicker with my movement. "I'm not done with you yet."Gabriel smirked as he slammed his large shaft into hungrily once again, his seed making my center even wetter and tender.

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