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  I always thought it was a shame
That we have to play these games
It felt like you really knew me
Now it feels like you see through me

-The XX


There are moments that will live in your mind forever. Replaying at certain sounds or images that trigger memories from the past. Sometimes these moments are so insignificant, like the way the sun hits green grass on a summer's day. Or sometimes, such moments are so significant, that in the moment, you know image will stay with you for eternity while it plays out. While you watch. In this moment all I wanted was for Gabriel to say something. To stop staring at me with those eyes. Those eyes that made me feel so small and vulnerable, yet unstoppable at the same time. I wish I could shrink away into an abyss of something, because right now I was receiving nothing. No emotion, no movements from. Just those eyes.

"How are you feeling?"he asked softly scanning my body. "I'm afraid."I said honestly looking down to my slender fingers because I couldn't look at him. "What are you afraid of?"he asked slowly stepping closer to me. I paused for a moment. What was I afraid of? I looked up with cloudy tears ready to fall. "You."I whispered. Gabriel had heard me loud and clear though. He shrunk down to his knees and knelt at my side. "I would never harm you, I -"he paused and sighed. "I am sorry for all that I have done, I truly only wish for you to be safe, words cannot salvage the damage that has already been done, but I will always protect you even if it means you hate me."He said looking up at me. I stared at him for a while just nodding. What else could I do. "You aren't angry?"I questioned softly. He stood and smirked. "No not at all, I did not believe it at first until I saw your face."He stated cupping my cheek. "But you aren't happy."I stated looking up into his grey eyes. His eyebrows furrowed and his jaw tightened. "This is not the most convenient time, we might be going to war soon, we have so many enemies, and now your safety is a higher liability."He replied turning to face the balcony. I cried silent tears and nodded while I turned the opposite direction to lay down in bed. I didn't want to look at him. I heard his foot steps approach and then a pause. He leaned down and kissed my head gently. "Everything will be fine."Gabriel stated and then left the chambers. 

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