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Authors Note: Hey you guys the pic above is my dorm room. I just started college and I want to apologize for such the long wait for me to update. A lot has been going on family and financial wise and I needed to make sure I was fully able to give you guys a quality story. My works in the past have not been quality writing and I blame myself and being young and stupid. I hope you guys enjoy this story as much as I love writing it.

I am tired of this place, I hope people change

I need time to replace what I gave away

and my hopes they are high,

I must keep them small

though I try to resist I still want it all



'Gabriel's POV'

Who are you? If not one thing. I have another in my head. A demon. A man. One that can not love her the way I feel myself. She is my sun moon and stars. My sky and the earth beneath my feet, the flowers and the rain. She is everything. The man, the other me is always there. The evil one. The one that does not let me hold her, the one that makes her tremble at my touch. Now she has another life with her. Which part of me will she birth? The man or the monster?

I pace the hall as my queen screams in labor, her pain and anguish echoing through the halls. I am a beast, I have done this to her. I have crushed and wilted the prettiest of flowers. I must keep my mind hidden from her. I pity her. She married a man who can not give her his entire self, the other self would kill her. I am split and I have always been since I was a little boy.

One of the maids runs down the hall her dress and hands stained in blood. I clench my fists and strain my jaw trying to push the thoughts of my queen dying in labor. "Come quick your highness, the baby is near!" she exclaims while turning to run back to the chamber. I rush down the hall in lightning speed. As I push the door open I see a pale Alaethiya laying down on her side, blood soaking the sheets and her white gown. I walked to her side and pressed my hand against her cheek. "shhhh, it will be over soon." I calmed her caressing her brown skin that felt so soft. "One more push your majesty!"the physician called. Alaehtiya took in a deep breath and grimaced. Her hands clutched to the soaked sheets and her eyes were squeezed shut. The air filled with the soft wail of a baby. My heart froze.

A small human with black curls atop its head covered in blood cried. It was a boy. My son! I rushed to the physician who handed my heir to my hands. His skin was golden, a perfect blend between his mother and I. His eyes were exactly identical to mine. His name would be Gabriel as it should be.

"Hold on your highness! There is another one."The physician exclaimed while squatting back down under Alaethiya's gown. I choked on my own breath. Another one? Of what? "Push your highness, Push!" Alaethiya looked exhausted and void of any energy. She inhaled another deep breath and with a strong push there was another soft cry that entered the room. Its hands were tiny and balled up, its hair a light brown and eyes the color of night,with skin like her brother's. A girl. A daughter. I had two of them. I couldn't process everything at once. All I could do was stare as the physician handed my little princess to Alaethiya. Alaethiya cried and kissed the soft curls atop her head. I walked over to the side as I held Gabriel in my arms. "What will you name her?" I asked while smiling down at Alaethiya. Even then she looked more beautiful than I had ever seen her. She looked up at me stunned and confused. "I didn't know I would be allowed to name any of our children."Alaethiya responded in a questioning tone. "I wish for you to name her."I replied. "Zahreen."Alaethiya stated. "What?"I questioned. "I am naming her Zahreen, it means golden in Persia."Alaethiya said while placing her finger in the palm of Zahreen's hand.

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