New Home

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If I told you it was all in vain
Would it still hurt you
Would it still feel the same
For days we traveled in the hot sun, my shalls and the figure of Gabriel my only protection from the direct rays of heat. Gabriel had become rested into an internal silence. My prescense not acknowledged much during the journey. I was having my own internal battle as well. Why did it bother me that he did not speak to me? I had hoped I would be the one ignoring him, yet here I sat on the back of his stallion in complete silence, a silence induced by his own choice. As we neared his homeland a sense of nervousness began to creep into my mind. What would my duty be here. Where would my power lie, what would my duties be. I know I was to produce an heir for Gabriel, yet what would I do to hold myself in this unknown palace. Thinking about producing an heir and being so close to Gabriel began to make skin heat up more than the sun could ever manage. I could feel warmth rise in my hands and face. "What are you doing?" Gabriel questioned startling me out of my thoughts. I hadn't heard his voice in so long and I had no wonder that hearing it would have such an effect on me. "What do you mean?" I whispered my voice barely audible under the wind. Gabriel let out a frustrated sigh. "You're body has just tensed up and I don't trust you little girl." Gabriel stated as he steered the stallion to the entrance gate of a large palace. "Welcome home princess" he muttered as we enter the gates of the large roman palace.
As soon as we entered the palace Gabriel departed from me and I did not see him for the rest of the day. This was a piece of bliss I needed to get thoughts together once again. I was here one mission- secure the power of my peoples empire. I had no clue how I would do this if Gabriel wouldn't stop treating me like I was the plague. I had been given a tour around the large palace, the architecture and art differing greatly from which ordained my native home. I knew I would regret not paying attention to the tour later, but I could not seem to retrieve myself from a mental fog. It feels like my body is going through waves of movement and change, yet my mind,heart, and soul have remained in Persia. As I arrived to my resting quarters I began to take in my surroundings more in depth. My room was filled with drapes of silk and jewelry, traces of flowers decorated random corners of the room, deep reds and Burgundy's gave the room a warm feeling. I found myself falling into a deep slumber upon my new bed. When I awoke my stomach purred in a soft growl. I could hear the voices of many men down the hall and the beautiful sound of foreign music. The smell of roasted meat and herbs increased my sense of hunger urging me forward to the dining hall. As I entered all eyes turned upon me, some in awe and others in deep curiosity. My eyes found Gabriel, his set of grey orbs set in disdain. He sat at the head of the long table, his fist clenched, knuckles white. "It is so nice to finally meet you," a young girl mused. She stood up from the table. Her long brown hair was braided to the side with white pearls, a thin frame with large brown eyes watched me expectantly. "I am Brenae, Gabriel's sister, I have been looking forward to meeting you ever since Gabriel first departed on his journey to Persia," the small girl stated with a sweet smile. "Brenae" Gabriel warned, ushering the young girl to bow slightly and retake her seat at the table. As I moved forward towards the table I met eyes with Brenae and gave her a grateful smile. It would be nice to possibly make some friends if I have to spend a vast amount of my time here. She returned the smile shyly, almost like a golden fairy. As I sat down at the table Gabriel arose. A sudden tension grew in the room as he stared at me, a sense of frustration and calculation tracing his features. He silently left the dining hall, as he left a rush of air was released out of my lungs that I did not know I was holding. As Gabriel retreated his soldiers left as well, some picking up legs of chicken and others giving curt nods to the ladies of the table. As I looked around there only sat Alexiye, Brenae and another girl that seemed a couple years older than me at the table. As I met eye contact with her she gave me a cold stare. "That is one of Gabriels many lovers" Alexiye pointed at the girl,"Or now should I say mistresses". She countered in disgust and an odd sense of amusement. My heart dropped into my stomach. Brenae looked down into her lap avoiding eye contact with all at the table and Alexiye continued to butter a roll that sat on her plate. I could not let this other woman get the best of me. I turned into her gaze, a satisfied smirk placed upon her lips. "Is this true?" I smiled sweetly at her , earning a confused look from her previous snarky expression. "Yes it is" the girl admitted her head held high. How dare she think she could hold any pride around me, I descend from generations of royalty and the blood of conquerors ran strongly through my veins. "What is your name girl?" I questioned taking a sip of the wine that sat next to my plate of food. "My name is Leaha." She stated beginning to fidget under my calm demeanor. "Tell me ...Leaha..why do you believe you have the right to sit in my presence?" I mused a curious Cheshire small upon my face. "I am Gabriel's lover, and it does not matter if you are married to him by law I will always have his heart." She demanded rising from her seat. "Hold your tongue whore or I will have it ripped out!" I roared beginning to lose both my patience and appetite. A deep shrill of chuckles escaped my mouth making Leah shake. "Exactly how many ...lovers does Gabriel have again?" I questioned swirling the cup of wine in my hand. "S-seven ...we all remain in the east wing." Leah stated both afraid and defiantly. "Hmmm...very interesting, have a seat Leah and enjoy your meal." I stated sweetly rising from my seat. As she sat down I stated, "I can assure you, it will be your last meal under this roof." I claimed leaving the dining hall Brenae and Alexiye following beside me. "Brenae show me to the east wing."

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