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An hour had past and of my enterouge lacing the streets of Rome. The architecture differed greatly from my old home. The streets were crowded with merchants and trade, the smell of fresh cooked meats and spices wafted through the humid air. I stopped to look into a spice shop to find a candle I could place within my chambers. As I walked into the shop the crowd of people in the streets began rushing forward in a frenzy like a stampede. I heard people from the outside calling my name yet their voices were to far down the rushing river of bodies. It seemed like eternity that I was trapped within the store before the crowd calmed down. As I exited the shop the burning sun began to settle deep within the atmosphere and ominous clouds overtook the sky. Gabriel is going to kill me. If I went in the opposite direction in which we came then I should make it back to the palace before nightfall. It was not until the sky began to fall in light droplets that I questioned my abilities. Soon hard rain followed drenching me in both water and despair. I was lost, with no weapon, and no form of currency on my person to persuade the people of this city to offer resources. To them I was some strange foreigner with brown skin. It was not until the rain began to hurt and the sky crackled with thunder that I took shelter under a small tapestry that was soaked in cold rain. My body began to shiver and become tired. "Miss, you look lost."a young boy said to the side of me. If he were not covered in old rags and silt I would have thought he was an angel the Gods sent down to the earth to taunt me. "I am lost, can you help me?"I asked while rising from my crouched position again the ground to gain some of my dignity back."Would your parents be able to give me guidance or shelter maybe for an hour or so until the storm clears up?"I questioned while wringing out the ends of my soaked dress. "I do not have Parents Miss, but I do not mind aiding in you in your return home."the boy replied looking down at the ground. I thought for a while until I decided he was my only option. "I live in General Gabriel's Palace."I stated trying to figure out a way to admit my residence. The boy nodded and headed in the opposite direction. I assumed he meant for me to follow him. When I left my lousy shelter the sky only emitted a drizzle of precipitation."May I ask what is your name?"I questioned while meeting his side."I do not have one Miss."He responded avoiding eye contact with me. This response confused me greatly. "What happened to your parents?"I questioned out of curiosity."I do not know miss."He replied stiffly. "Well how many summers do you have?"I questioned trying to find some sense of his identity. "Nine summers miss, this is what I believe, although, I am not sure."He responded finally making eye contact with me. His eyes were a forest green yet they held no light that should be found within the eyes of a child. As I assessed his stature more I saw a boy that was malnourished and scarred. "Would you like to be my friend?"I asked sincerely. "I am afraid I will not do very well at this task miss, I do not have any friends."the boy replied sadly. "Well, you do now. First order of business we have to decide a name for you."I responded with a motherly smile. "What about Julius?" I questioned. The boy remained silent. "Very well, what about Alexander?"I replied. The boy looked at me with a wide smile. "Alexander sounds nice miss."he responded. Before we could make a turn a chariot rushed in front of our path. The reigns of the horse held by Gabriel. His face was beyond livid. "Get on the chariot now Alaethiya!"he demanded through clenched teeth. "I am not going anywhere without Alexander." I stated crossing my arms across my chest in defiance. My drenched clothes squishing under the pressure of my arms. If the situation was not so tense the sight would be somewhat comical. "That is not necessary miss."Alexander responded looking down at the ground to avoid Gabriel's hard stare. "You are speaking to your Queen boy, you will address her proper title."Gabriel seethed. Alexander turned to me in shock and began to bow. "Forgive me your majesty."Alexander pleaded. "Stop it Gabriel, because of Alexander I am still here safely. As I said before, I am not going anywhere willingly without Alexander."I responded while simultaneously lifting Alexander's head and staring down Gabriel. Gabriel stared at me with rage. "Fine! You blasted one woman, you will be the death of me!"Gabriel declared clenching the reigns of the chariot in his hand.

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