Chapter - 1 A New beginning.

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A new change is never a bad thing to do. Kiara:

Edited 3/1/24


Another dark quiet night yet again.

I was heading back to my small home after a small quest I was doing and let me say I was beat.

I walk down a long path way leading back to my home.

It was quiet players must be asleep, or doing quest for more money or other things.

I stop midway to a group of players walking my way now of course.

"Hey there pretty lady."

One of the guy's said.

"Yeah what you doing out here all alone?"

Another one said.

"None of your business, now move out of my way." I try to push past them but they block my way.

"What we just wanna make sure you're okay, do you need someone to walk you back?"

I stare at them as they block my path.

"I won't ask again move or else."

They all laugh at me, pulling out their weapons, they wanna fight?

Let's fight.

"Just give us all your stuff and we can call it an night."

"Keep dreaming." I grab my twin blades from behind my upper back swinging them out and pointing it at them.

"I don't fear killing you, even though if you wanna fight me and die irl, then be my guest."

They stare at me for a moment.

"We are not scared!" One of them shouts, and all five of them run at me.


I swing my blades back next to my sides and I use a block shield to block their first attack.

I bite the tip of my finger watching the blood drip down from my thumb and I drag the blood across my blade watching the blood disappear as it makes my blade glow with energy.

"One swing and you all die in a flash."

I smile hoping this will make them back off I can kill them and i will.

From what I learned these past few months that's all this game has been a death game.

I don't fear killing anyone if it means I have to survive.

"Ha, please we have seen tricks like this before!" One of them shouts.

"Boss, actually that technique she is using is very rare skill, and only one of them can hold such a powerful technique skill like that is the one  they call Kimiko.."

He stops and shoots his eyes back onto mine I dare him to take a step forward, the look in his eyes are filled with doubts.

Does he think they are lying? Because maybe they are afraid of dying?

"Bullshit! Let's finish this and get her gear!" They yell, I sigh hoping this night could turn any better.

As they all came running at me yet again, I swing my blade all my energy off them and swing it at a building to my left, the building blows into little pieces, I take my other blade getting ready to swing my last energy at them.

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