Chapter - 7 A plan.

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Without a plan we lose, but with a plan we might succeed. Kiara:


After that attack, me and Asuna were burned out, i mean literally rushing from our nap to save Kiara and Emiko, Emiko came to the knights of the bloods oaths for help and they got a hold of us for back up.

What didn't make sense was why didn't Kiara call after using herself as bait is what we heard from Emiko.

I flop on the bed and stare up at the ceiling, i just wanna call it a night and sleep after fighting that player off it was tough as nails not gonna lie but something about him seemed often familiar.

His name.

"Come on you lazy butt, time to get up and help me put things away." Asuna stands by the doorway arms crossed her light smile across her lips as she tilts her head a bit to the side.

"I'm coming." I yawned and pull myself up and walk out to the living room helping her put stuff away from our way back she wanted to stop by and get some small things for her house. Our little house.

Asuna turns her head a bit over to me giving me that look. "What's the matter?" I blink a few times at as she shakes her head and continues to place down the new items. "I can't believe Kiara almost died, to those freak heads." The way she worded left her in chills.

I mean they were freaks, trying to kill red players do that they don't care. They don't care about anything besides killing off whoever they come across of.

Asuna pushes herself back up throwing her hands on her hips and smiles around our little cabin. "There it's perfect!" She claps her hands together and smiles around her eyes find mine.

We got a house well a cabin, about a few months ago and we live in the middle of the forest with a huge lake. It's quite quiet i can say the least and i enjoy it.

"Yeah, i know and i don't understand why they wanted her too." I say. To be honest she never gave us the reason why and that is still something i need to speak to her about. She sighs and looks at me.

"They wanted that rare power she has, i mean no one can get their hands on it now, so the only way they can is by killing her off." Asuna explains that makes sense now all of this.

The reason for them using Emiko against her, they way they planned all this so they can get that rare skill.

People are going nuts about this game, they already made it like home, people are killing NPC more and more, and killing real players.

But we can't stay here forever our real bodies in real life can't handle us being here forever, we could even die in the real world. 

Our bodies are probably hooked up in the hospitals. Where we are barely even hanging on how much long can we keep going like this? A plan.

We need a plan.

"Asuna." She turns and looks over at me from her shoulder, i turn and see she is setting up flowers on the dining table but i walk closer to her and she eyes me weirdly.

"What's wrong Kirito?" I grab her hand and pull her to the side of the kitchen, and the look in her eyes says she is concerned for me but there is nothing to worry about.

"What is it Kirito?" She studies me as i turn around and place both hands on either side of her face, cupping them in the process.

"Look, i know we wanna live here forever and trust me i wish we could but we need to get back to the real world soon." She sighs as she slowly drops her head to the floor.

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