Chapter - 18 Her trauma past.

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A fear can eat you alive, but it can't change who you're. Kiara:


The same dream.

That one dream that won't ever leave me alone.

Why do i keep seeing Emiko dying in my arms shattering away like the sea glass wash up on the ocean? 

Why do i keep seeing my families car falling down the cliff as I'm standing there helplessly watching them die? As the only thing i heard was their last screams.

Why do i have to keep suffering from this? Why can't i let them rest and move on?


"Kiara." I blink and blink again as i come in terms with my surroundings. Where am i again?

I look back up to see somebody's hands one held a pen and the other held a clipboard. Oh i remember now.

My therapist, I'm here getting seen and talked too.

"Kiara, what were you just thinking there?"

She asked me. My therapist.

"Oh uhm." I clear my throat and smiled up at her.

"Just good times I had in SAO, and the bad times." I shift uncomfortably in my chair as I try hard to give them what they want a smile of approval.

"Are you sure? You seemed really deep in thought about that."

She says tapping the tip of the pen on the clipboard.

"You don't need to lie to me Kiara, I get you don't wanna speak about it, but it will help me to understand what happen and see how I can help you through it."

She explains.

"I know, I know." She leans forward removing her glasses, she sighed and looks at me.

"Look Kiara, if you wanna end this session today you're more than welcome to."

She puts down the clipboard, and I shake my head and bite my lower lip and look up at her my outrage has just been put to the test and let me say this one blew it.

I had it with these sessions ending so soon, because they don't wanna do with our horrifying past.

"Excuse me?"

She looks up at me now, her brows furrow as she looks up at me, her eyes swimming and saying she has had enough of this, and let me say so have i.

"I'm sorry?" She says tilting her head.

"Listen, I get you don't wanna hear my bullshit of the story." I say, they don't know what we have been through and yet here I'm sitting here having to deal with this.

"I didn't ask to be stuck in that game for two years, and I didn't ask to have someone like you talking to me like I'm ruining your day." I snap as I reach for my book bag and swing it over my shoulder.

"Now I'm leaving and finding somebody else who will listen and not forcing me to speak when I don't feel so well doing so."

I push myself up from the chair and storm to the door and swing it open and slam it shut behind me.

𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗦𝗸𝗶𝗽:

I was home with my Grandmother today, it was a Saturday afternoon, the sun shining through the windows as I was helping her with dinner tonight, she was quite awfully quiet. But I guess I was wrong because she turns over to look at me as I watch her lips move.

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