Chapter - 14 Her Secret skills.

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Don't let anyone bring you down, stand your ground and fight back. Kiara:


I lay in bed today and Asuna was with her family, it's been almost a month now since she has woken up.

It's all been so weird right now it's been so long since we haven't been in SAO anymore.

I feel free, but I still feel wrong in a way.

I feel like it was too soon to be diving back into another VR in almost just a month and a half.

I had too, i had to return.

Asuna needed me.

And i had to because we made this gift for Kiara, a statue of Emiko. Emiko her last piece of life that was still inside of Kiara, who needed it more than us.

"Kazuto!" I hear my name, i groaned..

I rolled off my bed and push myself up right before i got close enough to the door it flew open and the door slams right into my face making me fall backwards with a loud shriek.

"Sugu!" I hissed and held my nose from the shooting and throbbing pain going throughout my face right now.

"Oh, you're up good!" She walks in now standing over me with her hands rested on her hips.

"Time to eat." She smiles.

"You didn't have to come rushing in here like that." I look up at her as i still held my nose, it's hurts so much right now.

"Well, you weren't answering me before so i had to make sure you were awake, come on let's eat."

She walks out and leaves me lying on the floor, i groaned and push myself up.

My nose was stinging but the pain started to fade a bit, i walk out into the living room and Sugu was setting up the table.

"Sit, eat."

She pushes the chair out for me, i walk slowly to it and she shoves me into the seat and pushes me forward to the table.

She giggles a bit and sits from across me.

"Eat up."

She grabs her fork and places it down and places both her hand together and blesses the food.

"Ahem." She looks up at me and i just stare at her, why is she so nice out of nowhere?

"What's wrong Kazuto?"

She asked me, but i was too busy thinking about this kindness that showed up out of nowhere.

After what happened between us, i thought she would still feel uncomfortable around me.

"Nothing, thank you for the food Sugu."

I smiled up at her, and places both my hands together and bless for the food and a small bow to it and grab my fork and begin to eat.

"So." She starts off.

"You doing anything later on?"

She says picking at her fruit.

"Yeah, i told Kiara i help her with her secret skills she has to unlock them to be able to use them." I explain to her. "Right, that's nice of you Kazuto."

She picks up a small piece of her watermelon and takes a bite of it.

"Watermelon is so sweet." She smiles through her chewing.

"Yeah it is indeed." I say as i go back to thinking how was i gonna help her unlock those skills?

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