Chapter - 10 The end of the road.

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We will meet again in the afterlife even when we miss you so dearly never forget you were loved. Kiara:


We walk forward, there was only 28 of us left. We can do this I won't let anyone else die.

I took a deep breath and enter the floor. Here we are again, same thing it never shows up as we all step inside how come?

"Guy's the door is closing!" Someone says behind us. Why does it close right away as we walk in?

Emiko is holding onto my arm, we don't know what is coming.

"Keep your guard up!" Heathcliff shouts.

I did.

"Emiko I gotta move away from you so I can get my blades ok?" She nods and moves back.

"Stay in the far back okay, stay out of the fight."

She backs away and walks back with the healing team.

It was quiet.

Nothing happened yet.

"This is so odd, doesn't it like pop out of nowhere by now?" Klein says.

"Yeah where is it?" I look around trying to understand where it could be? We all stop dead in our tracks as we hear a light mumble above us.

Someone screams and we all look up above us.

"Move!" Everyone jumps out of the way but some of them didn't make it out from it's jump down.

"Noo!" I scream, six players died!

Six! Why! Why didn't they move.

I turn around to face the thing my jaw is tight, my hands squeezing's and gripping my handles to my blades tighter.

Then the name pops above it's head. The skull reaper.

We gotta move. "Kimiko!" I look up at Kirito.

"Try and use your skill on it and see if it takes any damage!"

I nod and swing my blade to my side and bring it up in front of me.

I bite the tip of my finger and drag the blood across it watching the glow come across the tip of the edge and form into a huge blue glow, like stars filling the sky.

"Go!" I run at it and swing all the energy off of it and watch it fly at it.

It does hit, and knocks it sideways.

Only 10% was taken down... No way...

I step back and away from it.

I have more one hit but that's it.

I can't hit it anymore, but it's only taking 10% of damage...


It turns it's head back onto me, everyone started attacking it I slap myself to get myself together. "Emiko! Shoot it with a fire flame arrow!"

She swings her bow out and her arrow and points to it. "Move!" She shouts and people do.

Heathcliff takes a huge hit and he goes flying backwards. I didn't bother to see if he was okay I was watching Emiko making sure she stays safe.

She fires and I watch the arrow go flying across the room and hitting the skull reaper right in the eye and huge explosion was set off.

Making it cry out, it started swinging it's long tail around, hitting people in it's way.

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