Chapter - 15 Emiko and Kiara.

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We are friends, and friends stick together even when things get rough just know I'm always by your side. Kiara:

Hey Everyone! This chapter is basically gonna be the past time with Emiko and Kiara becoming friends. 

And we will see her past with her family and how all that went down and such. If you wanna read to understand how they became friends this is the chapter for you!


Four years ago.

"Kiara, honey." Voices all around me, why do they keep calling that name?

"Kiara." I blink away the tears and force myself to look up to the person who is now slowly leading down and looking right at me.

I scan her for a brief moment then look away. She was tall. With light dark skin her hair was in a perfect bun her eyes were a milk chocolate color and she smiles ahead at me.

"Come on Kiara, your grandparents are here." She pulls out a hand for me to grab and i take it without questioning it.

We both walk down the empty hallway, i almost trip over something when i look back it was a doll in the middle of the floor.

I didn't bother to ask for it but keep moving forward.

She pulls out a small card and scans it to the door, as we both hear the beep it opens.

I look ahead of her and see two older people standing up once they saw me and the older woman. I slowly lift my head and stare at the two people who stand before me.

One was dressed in white, her hair was long and was pulled into a ponytail, she holds a small pocket book in front of her as she stares at me.

The other was a older gentleman.

He wears a long sleeve shirt that covers his upper neck, long dark Jeans and black shoes, his hair was wavy and short with a bit of brown and white to it.

Part of his faces was cover with his glasses and they both walk closer to me.

"Oh kiara.." The older woman spoke yet she didn't seem so shock or proud to see me.

"You have been through a lot my dear." The older gentlemen says crouching down before me, he places both hands on top of my face and lifts it up to get a better view of me.

My lips part and i wanted to say something but i just kept remain quiet.

"She has been indeed." The woman who was still holding my hand said, i slowly look up at her as she faces the people before me. 

"I see, well we can take her from here all the paperwork has been filled out so-" I block out everything they are saying as i just keep picturing everything that has went down.

The man or as i should say my grandfather  who is now standing to his full height.

"Right, Now Kiara they have my number don't feel bad to give me a call ok?" The woman who stands besides me speaks. I nod lightly not facing the world around me, i just wanna die.

I don't wanna live.

I lost so much.

So much... Mama, Papa, Sister, brother.

𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗦𝗸𝗶𝗽: 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲.

I was shown to a new room, my own room. They called it.

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