Chapter - 13 ALfheim Online.

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A new world? A new me again? Never change for anyone or anything be you, be yourself. Kiara:


"Link start!"

And all I see was colors shooting right at me like falling stars.

Then I stand in an open area with blue lights and pictures of fairies everywhere around me.

I walk up to a keypad that floats in the middle of the room once I was close enough a small screen pops up.

Welcome player to ALfheim Online! Please choose a name for your likely and pick out your gender and once you're done you will be given a choice to pick a new character.

A new character huh? I walk up to the keypad and think for a moment to pick a name.

Kimiko I wanted to pick. But do I wanna forget the old name and move on? Move on and away from SAO?

I like Kimiko.

Emiko once said to me as we were heading back to my small home I had in SAO.

Alright Kimiko it is again.

I type the name out and once I did, I pick Female as my gender.

And hit done.

Wonderful! Now player pick your new avatar! remember you can pick any new one later on in time when you level up.

Hmm, few of them pop up and I swing through them, one looked a bit like me but it was ok.

I go through the next one and one held a long side dress with big black cat like ears on top of her head, dark silky hair I read through what she can do and to be fair it was cool.

She can do Magic spells, and she has a one hand sword.


I go through the next one and I spot my eyes on this one.

She is pretty, long white hair with white fluffy top ears, her bangs matches mine her eyes are a bit of a light baby blue almost like mine in real life. There is also like a night sky dark deep blue mix to her outfit held white, blue, and black mix.

And what I like hearing is that her skills are twin blades yes!

I pick her and I hear the thing speak again. And it was a lot louder then before.

Congratulations player!

You have picked Cait site she holds a lot of great will power in her secret name! Even her cool and amazing skills the twin blades. Have fun and we will be teleporting you to the far east side to the main ALO world!

The thing said and I see myself changing and let me say i look cool, i did a little spin and reach out to touch my top ears they felt real and soft. And the next thing i know I was indeed teleported to somewhere.

I open my eyes and look around my surroundings.

I see many people and it was so huge, but what shock me the most is when I see something floating  in the sky.

It can't be... "The Aincrad tower?!" How is it here?

It just floats high in the sky above me and I'm so lost on what to do now maybe it's not really here and just a fake one. A copy.

I stare at my hands and touch my face I feel so real, it's been almost a month now since I was last in another VR game.

I don't even know what to do and Kirito said to meet him near the west not the east.

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