Chapter - 30 Where am I?

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A new world? Where could I be this time? Where could you be? Kiara:







That's what I see, eyes fluttering open.

The sun.

So bright.

A groan escapes from my lips, my dried lips.

I pull myself up, I reach for my head as it shoots with throbbing pain.

"Where am I?"

I look around, nothing, nothing at all. I don't know this place.

A forest?

Birds flying around, Chirping so happy.

Sounds of a river behind me or ahead of me?

I pull myself up to my feet standing my legs felt weak, I felt like falling back onto my knees I look around my surroundings.

I remember now.

I remember being with Kirito, Asuna, and Sinon.

I remember being in the car? The airport?

And after that nothing, everything is such a blur.

It hurts to think about it.

I look around and stare down at my clothes. They were different almost like a farming uniform?

Am I in a game?

I stare at the long black pants, and a shirt that is a light blue and white mix to it.

With brown light dark mix boots.

My hair was the same, long and a misty brown but why am I wearing this?

If this is a game I should be able to swipe down a screen and log out.

I take my right hand and swipe the air but nothing comes down.

No window. No screen.

I use my left hand instead but nothing?



"Log out?"

When I leave my left hand out I turn to a sound. Something was moving from the forest, when I spun around I stop to stare at what has startled me.

A deer?

I blink at it. As it blinks back at me.

It walks closer to me and it comes closer too, never have I witnessed a deer coming close to a human before.

It stops near the tip of my finger where I had my hand out pointing at it.

And after that it sniffs my finger and boops it with its little black tip of its nose.

I can feel It's touch.

The tip of It's nose it felt real...? "This is way too realistic to be a 3D object." I say to myself.

"So this can't be a game?"

I gasp and the deer backs away running back into the trees, into the forest where it came from

Don't go. Don't leave me alone.

I grab my head and let out a sigh. "Am I dreaming all of this?"

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