Chapter - 4 The Gleam Eyes.

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You're stronger if you believe that you can overcome any fear. Kiara:


We all walk down a dark path we are already inside the Aincrad Tower.

We already took out some monster and small goblins on the way up here so now we are in the dark.

Someone has a torch out and it's shining pretty bright, we had to stop to get our next team and one of them is Klein and his group.

"So, what you thinking about?" I turn to my right and see Emiko walking beside me, her eyes following mine and I just sigh and look ahead.

"I don't know winning, surviving." I punch my fist together.

"That sounds like a lot on your mind." She laughs nervously.

"Yeah, sorry." And to be fair she wasn't wrong I did have a lot on my mind.

"No no! Don't apologize." She says.

"Well, what about you?"

She looks away, well that didn't answer my question.

"Once we beat or if we do beat floor 72 we jump to floor 73, how much more can we all do this?"

She looks at me and for a moment and i look at her, i feel she is scared but she shouldn't be she has me, i will keep her safe keep her alive until the end.

We both broke away and we continue to walk in silence.

"How do you feel in the suit." Kirito says from behind me.

"It sucks." I stated.

"Yeah, trust me it sucks but it gets better."

I sigh and pull up my OG clothes and switch them out.

I couldn't handle this shit anymore, it's so uncomfortable...

"That's better." I sighed and look back to stare at him and give him a soft smile.

He smiles at me and i smile back even wider, we all come to a stop when Heathcliff turns around.

"Now listen closely."

He points to the door.

"Once we enter in here, we won't be able to use our teleport crystals, this is a high train boss so fight to the death!"

He shouts and everyone joins him but me and Kirito.

"Are you ready!" He yells.



"Let's do this!"

So many voices, so many people ready to risk their lives,

"Let's move out!"

He pushes the door open and we all rush inside, i swing my twin blades out and held them close by.

Emiko runs up beside me pulling her bow out, and an arrow attached to it.

Here we are again left in darkness nothing shows or moves.

"Where is it?"

Someone says.

So many small quiet whispers echos around the empty area we stand in.

Then the whole floor shakes, like something is big and heavy walking towards us.

I see something shining as a light reflect on it, something is huge coming our way, too huge.

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