Chapter - 28 The testers for the underworld.

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A new world doesn't change the fact you're still yourself. Kiara:


I blink, and blinked again. Blinking away the bright lights that flash before me.

I shield my eyes from the sun that is directly above me. 

I hear birds flying across the sky landing somewhere around me. 

And clouds so many of them different shape and sizes.

Where am I?

I stand up and look around me not seeing anyone near by it was only a river and trees and shade to block out most of the sunlight.

I walk around and look to see where I am, or who I can find.

"Hello?" My voice is dried and not very loud at the moment, I try again. "Hello?"

"Hey." I small voice comes from behind me. When I slowly turn to meet their welcome it was someone I already knew.


I know Kirito, he was my childhood friend growing up.

"Kirito!" I rush to him and throw my tiny arms around him.

"Why was I out here?"

I asked him, still wondering, my mind is still clouded and washed away, I still can't remember much on what has happened and why I was out in the middle of a field.

Was I sleep walking?

"Not sure, I just found myself out here too." Kirito and I were young, I was 11, and so was he, we grew up here in a small town together.

And after before I know it, he was tickling me.

"Kirito!" I laughed and fall right on top of him.

"That's for hugging me for too long!" We rolled around on the ground and laughed, I try and move away but he was still on me no matter what.

"What are you two laughing about." A young small voice was heard from coming towards us.

"Oh Kirito get off of her, you're hurting her." They sigh between their words when I look up I see it's only Eugeo, Kirito's and I childhood other friend.


"Hi Eugeo." He smiles down at us both, Kirito removes his hands from me as I took that opportunity to catch my breath.


He says giving me a hand.

"Thank you." I try and reach for his hand but Kirito reaches out grips onto my arms and flips us around until he is on top of me and rolls us into the lake.

"Kirito!" I scream trying to swim away from him.

"I'm not done yet." He laughs, such an evil laugh, he is being a selfish brat right now.

"Eugeo help! I can't swim!" I shout, my voice loud enough to get everyone's attention.

"Kirito come on."

He walks over to the side of the lake and tries to reach for me.

"What would Alex say if she saw you behave like this."

Kirito stops and looks up at him, really thinking about his truthful words.

"She would say..." He reaches for his legs and pulls him in.

"Do this!" He laughs and splashes the water on us both.

"Kirito stop that." Eugeo says blocking his water attacks.

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