Chapter - 5 What's your name?

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The name that was once given to you, is something you much treasure for. Kiara:


I choke on my spit hearing what he just asked me, my name? Did I hear that right?

"What?" I say but my words come out a bit harsh than expected.

He smiles in return.

"What's your real name?" He asked again Asuna who sits very quietly beside him.

I laughed and shake my head, this boy is crazy really thinking I'm just gonna throw my name out in the freaking sky.

"I don't just give my real name like that Kirito come on, like seriously how dumb are you?"

My voice was trim, and I on the other hand was not gonna be throwing that information out the window just because he asked.

"Well we wanted to know because once we get out of this game, we wanted to be your real friends because we wanted you to join our small family group." He explains his shoulders shrug a bit as he leans forward.

He wants me to join their small family group?

A family?

I feel tears welled up near the edge of my vision, to the point I'm blinking them away feeling the tickle of them rolling down my cheeks.

"You ok?" Asuna eyes me for a brief moment, i responded to her and take the back of my hand to wipe away the runny tears.

I drop my head staring at my palms I can feel their eyes on me but I force a fake smile and pull back up.

I gave them the truth and I meant what I was feeling.

"No, I'm not. But you go first Kirito Asuna then I will." I reason I think it was only fair if they go first.

I mean it was their idea anyways.

Kirito clears his throat and he hums lightly and nodded in agreement.

"Okay then." He looks back to Asuna then me and he slowly takes his time.

"Well my real name is Kazuto, Kazuto kirigaya."

Kazuto? I feel like I know that name somewhere, but I push the thoughts away and turn my head to face Asuna.

"You?" I lift a brow waiting for her to say her name next.

But someone started laughing making me fold my arms and glare at the person next to her.

Kirito or Kazuto started laughing like a bat out of hell.

"What's so funny?" I tilted my head and watch him as he calms down from his high of laughing.

"Her real name is Asuna, not many players here use their real names." He shakes his head in shame and I couldn't help but chuckle because Emiko is the same to.

"Knock it off you guys!" She snaps glaring at the both of us.

"Sorry, it's funny because Emiko that's her real name too." I tell them, and let me say it did feel good to know their real names and the fact they trusted me enough too.

"Well I guess I need to keep my word now, it's only fair because you had the courtesy to tell me."

I trust them but I needed to make sure of something before I did so.

"Just don't share my real name to anyone else, and DO not call me by my real name in the game ok?" I pleaded them hoping they will understand.

"We promise." Kirito says, crossing his chest in a cross shape.

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